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And like nothing ever happened there was still school the next day. I didn't feel right. I mean, I did hate Ms. Black, but she had a family, people that cared about her. And then someone had to go and murder her. No one is calling it murder, but I know what I saw. She didn't do that to herself. Someone did that to her. Everyone is just afraid to say it.

"Are you going to go in?" I snapped out of my thoughts and looked away from Ms. Black's door and to Colin who was just staring at me. I didn't say anything and his face soften. "Come on, English is in the gym room today." Colin smiled at me and I gave him one of mine and we walked to the gym room together.

He held the door for me as I entered and saw all of my English classmates talking to one another. "Oh look, there's Noah and the new girl. Fun." Why was Noah here? Me and Colin walked over to where Erica and Noah were sitting and talking.

"Hey guys." I peeped out as I sat down with them and they both stopped talking and just stared at me. Oh god. "You okay?" Noah asked me while Erica just studied me. She's trying to see if I'm okay without actually asking me. "I should be asking Erica and the girls who found her." I spoke out and Colin finally sat down with us.

"Well," Erica started to say as she glanced at Colin and then back at me. "I'm fine. It was fucked up, but I'll live. And the girls aren't here today. They're too scared." I would be too.

"Aren't you?" Noah asked Erica and she giggled. "No. There's probably a shit ton of reasons why someone would want to kill Ms. Black. Why would they want to kill us too? It's not like there's a murder on the loose." Murder. Everyone is just looking past it. That's what it is.

"I mean I won't believe it until I see it." Noah called out as he put his hands up. "You know what you saw and you still puked." I called out and Erica and Colin laughed. "You know what I mean." Noah said and I just rolled my eyes at him.

"I think New York is right." Colin said and me and Noah exchanged looks. "This was probably a once in a lifetime thing. I don't think anyone else will be getting killed around here." Hopefully he's right. Hopefully next week this will all go away and everything will be back to normal.


5 days have past and no one else has been murdered. We're not allowed to talk about it on school grounds because it's disrespectful to Ms. Black. I know that they're not telling us everything. And I know that they can't because it'll just make everyone scared and it'll make parents pull students from the school, and that's the last thing that we need right now.

Noah and Erica both had something to do so I was walking home alone. I gathered my things from my locker and couldn't help but to overhear a conversation from across the hall. "Cheryl, I'm telling you. I know who did this. I want to go to the police." The voice was from one of the cheerleaders that discovered Ms. Black.

"No Gemma. I swore to myself that after seeing Ms. Black like that I wouldn't bring it up anymore. I have my grades and cheerleading to worry about. Not some old dead lady." Cheryl said as she closed her locker.

"Me and Sailor are going right after this. Maybe you can call Mae and get her to come too." No one said anything else and the sound of someone walking away filled the hallway. I took a much needed breath and closed my locker and went home.

"We're thinking about keeping you home from now on." My Dad called out as we ate our dinner. You can't be serious. "Dad, it's my Senior year. No way am I staying at home." I protested and my Dad looked at Mom and she just shook her head and took a sip of her wine. "Mara, it's dangerous. Your English teacher just died. Who knows who's next." He said.

"There hasn't been another since 5 days. Dad," I stared at my Dad with sincerity in my eyes. "I'll always be with Noah. I'll be safe." My parents trust Noah. Over the years of us being friends he's saved my life more than once. My parents exchanged looks and my Mom put her glass down.

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