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"Oh my god!" Cheryl cried out as Mike and I carried Erica safely into the library. The teacher quickly locked the door behind us and we carefully placed Erica on an empty table. I need a first-aid kit.

"Can you get me a first-aid kit?" I asked the lady and she ran to go get one. Erica was crying out in pain as I ripped her shirt to see the wound. It wasn't that deep so she'll be okay. "I can take it from here." The teacher kindly said to me and I allowed her. I let out a breath and looked around the library to see who was here.

It was Cheryl, Noah, Max, Jalen, and 3 other kids who I didn't know. Colin wasn't one of them. Where the hell is he?

"The killer is in here." I informed the group and they all started to panic. "Are we safe in here?" A girl asked and I sat down on the floor as my nerves took over my body. I can't believe that this is happening to me.

"Does anyone know that we're trapped inside of here?" Mike asked and he looked at me. I told my Dad that we made it out. Shit, I have to call him and tell him the truth. I pulled out my phone and dialed my Dad's number and he answered almost instantly.

"Dad I lied. I'm still inside of the school and the killer is here." I closed my eyes and cried as I heard how frustrated and scared he was. "I'm almost there. Are you safe? Are you alone?"

"I'm safe and I'm with some other students and a teacher. We're in the library." I said through tears. I looked around and remembered that Erica was hurt. "Erica got stabbed so please hurry." I cried out.

"We'll be there as soon as possible." I hung up the phone and I just cried. I'm so terrified. I know he said that he'll be here soon, but anything can happen from now until then. And plus Colin is still missing.

"Mara," I heard Mike call out. I looked up as he walked over to me to comfort me. "It'll be okay. We're going to make it out of here alive."


"How long have we been in here?" Erica asked. I lifted my head up and unlocked my phone to see what time it was. It's been 20 minutes. I haven't heard from my Dad or from anyone. I was starting to worry.

"My Dad should have been here by now." I called out as I went to call him. The call didn't go through which was weird. I noticed that I had no bars. What the fuck?

"Anyone got service?" I asked them and everyone went to check. "No." Everyone called out and I stood up and walked over to the window. No one was outside. Okay, what the fuck is going on?

"Why isn't my Dad here yet?" I asked and everyone walked over to me to look outside too. Now we're really trapped in here. I have no way of checking in with my Dad. If we want to leave we have to leave this library, and no one wants to do that since the killer is out there.

"Does the phone in the main office still work?" Cheryl asked us. More than likely it does. "Yes, but how can we use it? The killer is out there." The teacher said and I thought long and hard about it. Someone is going to have to step up and be the hero here, and since it's always me it'll just have to be me.

"I'll go." I said to the group and the teacher sadly frowned at me. "But you can't go alone." She informed me. I'm the Chief's Daughter, of course I can. "I'll go with her," Mike boldly stated and I rested a bit.

"You guys just stay here and don't make a sound." The teacher nodded and we got ready to leave, but then I remembered that we would need protection. I quickly ran over to the librarian's desk and looked for protection.

I found a nice pair of scissors and smiled to myself. That guy might have a knife, but I got a Westcott Titanium pair of gray scissors. Who's really winning here.

I turned to face Mike and we bared our nerves and got ready to leave, but a voice stopped us. And that voice belonged to Cheryl's.

"Please be careful Mike. I love you so much." I rolled my eyes and turned around to see Cheryl staring at her boyfriend with tears in her eyes. Mike's face instantly soften as he rushed over to hug and kiss his girlfriend.

"I'll see you in 10 minutes and nothing more." He calmly said to her and she nodded her head. Now we finally walked to the door and the teacher followed us. We made sure that the coast was clear, and once it was we quickly left the library.

"Thanks for coming with me." I quietly said to Mike as we walked past the main doors and to the main office. There was no sign of the killer.

"It's not because I care about you. It's just because you're Cheryl's friend, and you matter to her so I don't want you to get hurt." I wonder how long it took him to rehearse that number.

"That totally means you care about me." I said to him as we successfully made it to the office. He thought about it as he held the door open for me and I laughed. Once we were both in I ran over to the phone and most started to praise dance.

I grabbed it and placed it to my ear and started to dial my Dad's number but stopped when I heard the dial tone. That's weird.

"Mar?" I looked up at Mike to see that he was holding the other end of the line attached to the phone. Someone cut the wire. I hung it up and bit my lip thinking.

"Don't tell me you're trying to figure out who did this." Why the fuck- you know what. I shook my head in disappointment and we both walked out together.

"What are we going to do now? We have no communication to the outside world." Mike complained to me as I stared at the front door. We could just walk out to go get help.

As soon as I thought that I saw someone walking towards us. I looked up thinking that it was Colin, but I was dead wrong. Mike instantly ran to him to fight him, but he knocked Mike down and came at me. I was too scared to do anything.

I just stood there in fear as this weirdo grabbed my shoulders and stared at me. I literally didn't blink as I stared at his creepy mask. Why the fuck isn't he killing me yet?

He stared at me for a good 10 seconds, which felt like forever until he let go due to Mike kicking him dead in the balls. Once he was down Mike grabbed my forearm and we started to run, but this guy was right behind us.

Once we made it to the door of the library I was released, and we both started to frantically bang on the door. As we banged I looked behind me and saw that he was super close. If they don't open the doors we're so fucked.

And just like that the teacher opened the door and once we rushed in me and Mike quickly closed the door and pressed our backs on it as the maniac banged on it.

"What the fuck?!" Max yelled out as I quickly locked it and let out a breath. It might be locked but this wacko for sure knows that we're in here.

"Now he's never going to leave." The unnamed girl said to us as he continued to bang on the door even harder. I am so fucking aware of that.

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