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"Where are we?" Cheryl asked as we stood outside of the house. I hope this is the right one. I rung the bell and waited for someone to answer the door. Moments later the door opened revealing a smiling Brenda.

"Hurry up and come in, it's fucking cold outside." Brenda said as we all walked into her house. That morning at school I found her and told her that we needed disguises to get into the party tonight and she told me to bring everyone to her house after school. So now we're here.

"Everything is upstairs, come on." Cheryl sent me a look before we all followed Brenda up the stairs and to her bedroom. She opened the door and I saw our disguises. They looked pretty damn good. "Oh my god bitch, your room is bomb." Max said as he got comfortable while me and the others examined our stuff. I get to wear a wig!

"Jeans?!" Cheryl cried out as she stared at her disguise in horror. "It's called a disguise for a reason. Now if I was styling you jeans would not be in the picture." Cheryl stared at Brenda for a moment before she grabbed her things and left the room to go change. I should probably do the same.

If we're being honest I'm not in the mood to go to a party, let alone do anything involving this case. But I have to. I didn't tell Willian about the party. Hell, I haven't spoken a word to him since what he last said to me. I don't ever want to talk to him ever again. I just wanna focus on school, and solving the mystery of who's killing everyone at our school.

Once we were all changed and party ready, Brenda drove us all to the party in her car. We all got out of the car and I stared at the house that the party was at. I'm so nervous that I don't want to do this, but I don't have an option.

"You guys ready?" Brenda asked us and Noah spoke for everyone. To make it not seem like us we all couldn't hang out as a group because someone would easily tell that it was us. Brenda opened the door to the house and everyone was too busy enjoying the party to notice that we were here. Brenda sent us a quick look as we all walked in together. The music was loud and I lightly danced to it to make me fit in more.

My eyes searched the party for their faces and I saw them laughing and pouring shots in the kitchen. Areas to avoid: that one. We all quickly broke away and I grabbed Noah as we danced on the dance floor. I slightly looked over my shoulder and saw that Max had Cheryl and they were going to get drinks. Everything was going good so far.

"What now?" Noah asked over the loud music as we forced ourselves to dance to it. The music is shit, but what can you expect from a shitty highschool party. I quickly took a look at the three of them and they were just chilling and drinking. Something needs to happen or else this was a waste. And on que a random dude burst open the front door and ran to the kitchen.

Me and Noah instantly got closer so we could see and hear better. "A bunch of kids from ValleyHigh just showed up." The dude said and my heart literally dropped to my ass. My breathing stopped as they all stopped what they were doing and turned serious. Are we the kids? Did they find us?

"Let them in." Zion said and the random dude ran back outside and moments later a few kids that I knew walked in. Since we didn't want them to know that we were here Noah and I kept a low profile. The three of them walked into the living room where we were and literally stood right next to us.

Noah quickly grabbed my hand out of fear while they only stared at the kids that had just entered. "You guys go to ValleyHigh?" The girl from PE asked them and I felt so bad because they were only freshmen. If this was a party that I was invited to I would have so spoken up for them, but it's not. The freshmen nodded their heads and the three of them started to laugh.

"Then you must have heard how none of you little shits were invited, right?" The freshmen started to stutter and I really wanted to cry. They looked so scared. "Get the hell out before we throw pigs blood on your asses." The whole party started to cheer out as the freshmen ran out and the random dude closed the door.

Once they were gone everyone started to enjoy the party and I could breathe again. That was so scary. The three of them still stood right next to us for several moments without noticing us. This is so fucking scary. And then the girl from PE started to walk up the stairs and the other girl followed. Zion was about to follow them too but he turned to look at me. He looked me up and down and I almost shat myself.

"Nice ass." He said right before he walked away. Once they were gone I let out a breath and Noah let go of my hand. Anything is possible. I can't believe that we just pulled that off. I felt several eyes looking at me and I took a look inside the kitchen and saw Cheryl and Max smirking at me.

"When I have kids, I'm so telling them about this moment." Noah said, making me break away from the smirking two. I laughed and led Noah to some drinks. A little drinking won't hurt. And hey, I deserve it!

I grabbed a cup that had a liquid substance in it, and I know that it isn't very wise, but I drank it and thankful it was just the regular 'ol liquor. After my first sip everything started to feel right. For a moment I forgot why we were here, and what we were suppose to be doing. I was just feeling the music and myself. That was until the music stopped, which caused me to stop and see why it stopped.

"What the fuck?!" I cried out as my eyes instantly went to the back door that was in the kitchen that had been open by an obvious unwanted source. Standing right in front of the back door was him. It. She. The killer. The killer was standing in the kitchen staring directly ahead. I was too scared to move. I was frozen in fear along with everyone else.

He slowly raised his right hand in a motion telling everyone to stay still. It was so freaking scary. But because I was scared, and I couldn't move I stayed where I was, and I just watched him. He used slow motions which bothered me.

"What makes you think that this has anything to do with ValleyHigh?" His voice didn't sound like a voice. It sounded like a machine. My heart started to beat faster as he took a tiny step forward, and the whole party took one back. He started to chuckle and stopped which caused us to stopped too. What the actual fuck is happening?

He repeated his question again, but this time repeating it nonstop which freaked me out and everyone else. It was like he hit a button which caused the whole party to freak out and run straight for the exit. I dropped my cup and grabbed Noah as we ran along with everyone else, but we were stuck. As we all frantically stood by the door I saw three people running downing the stairs. I had to do a double take.

How are all of them here when the killer is in there? And then it hit me. The killer isn't them. We had the wrong people and we're now trapped in a house with the killer. "Open the fucking door!" A random guy cried out as another dude tried to get it open. There's no way out! What are we going to do? My heart was beating so fast as I thought of another way out, without having us get killed.

"Remember that Pearleen girl?" We all stopped what we were doing and I remembered how her body disappeared. He had the body. He obviously killed her and I don't know why I didn't think of that.

"She's dead, just like he's about to be." What? I turned around to see who he was referring to and before I could fully turn around he had a kid who I barely knew and was 3 seconds away from killing him. Since I knew that he was about to do that I turned around and prayed that we get out of here and after some screams and cries the door was finally opened and we all ran out.

"Come on, hurry!" Brenda yelled out as we all ran to her car and got in. Once we were in and I turned around in my seat and saw him standing in the doorway, just watching everyone leave and run. I literally have God to thank for getting us out of there. I can't believe that we made it.

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