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Since I was the one with the most balls (according to the group), I had to get up and ask the old lady sub where our teacher was. But I didn't want to. Mainly because I was doing work, and because she looked so mean just watching everyone paint. Old people scare me, but someone has to do it.

I slowly stood up from my seat while my nerves did flips all throughout my body. I don't know if I'm scared to ask this old lady, or if I'm scared of what she might say happened to our teacher. Once I reached her desk she stared at me as I gave her a smile.

"Hi um I have a question." I watched as the old lady took off her glasses and stared at me some more. You can do this. Look, you're almost done. "Where's our teacher? I'm just asking because this is weird." I said, referring to all of the supplies just being unlocked. I know it's not a big deal, but with everything that's been going on it is.

"I have no idea. She just disappeared and the Principal asked if I could sub last minute. She was here this morning." That's really strange and concerning. Where did she go? Did she fall ill or something? I hope that's just the case.

Satisfied with her answer I sent her an honest smile and walked back to the table to find everyone just as I had left them. I let out a breath while I sat down and they all stared at me, waiting for me to talk. This isn't good. None of this is good.

"She was here this morning, but just disappeared." I said to them and they all stopped what they were doing. I don't want to freak out right now, but I'm pretty scared. I hate to be a Debbie downer, but it's obvious that this is the work of the serial killer.

"Holy shit, do you think?" Cheryl didn't even need to finish that question because we all knew what she was asking. My heart started to beat faster as I thought about what to do next. I could be the hero and try to find her, or I can just stay put and not get involved.

"Um, your Dad," I broke away from my thoughts and looked up to see that my Dad had entered the room, which caused everyone to stop and stare. Why is he here? What's going on? "Dad?" I called out and he gave me a small smile. He looked away from me and to the class, and then to our sub. I didn't feel good. Nothing in that moment felt right.

"I need to talk to the class." My Dad said to the sub and she nodded her head. Oh no, this isn't going to be good. I can just tell. My nerves are literally everywhere.

"Okay guys I have some news so please listen up." I gently tapped Erica to wake her so she could hear the news. "In a few minutes after I leave this room there will be an announcement on the loud speaker explaining to everyone what I'm about to say. I wanted you guys to be the first to know, because of my daughter." I never told anyone that my Dad is the chief of police. I never said anything because I didn't want to get made fun of and get called a narc.

"A few hours ago Pearleen's body was discovered in the woods that's not too far from here. She's dead." My stomach dropped as I officially heard the news. This is going to change everything now that everyone knows that she's really dead.

"Where we found the body wasn't where she died, so we're going to do more searching around inside and outside of the school. So after dismissal none of you guys can leave until after we're done." Wait what? I want to go home! I don't want to stay in school for more hours than I need to. I hate to be insensitive, but I need to go home!

"So stay put and listen to the announcement as me and my team get everything ready." Oh hell no! He's not leaving without me. I quickly got to my feet and rushed after my Dad as he got ready to leave. "Wait, Dad!" I called out and he turned around and smiled at me.

"I can just go home, right? I mean Mom's there so there's no need to worry." I said to him, with a light laugh and he only stared at me. He didn't agree with me. Fuck!

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