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Today is even worse. Not only is it raining but in first we had a surprise pop quiz and guess who failed it? Yep, I did! And so did Noah and Max, because they copied from me. But it wasn't just that. More and more of the West ValleyHigh kids are talking about us. Well, about me. Everyone is looking at me and pointing at me in the hallways and in the classes. I hate it.

"How do they know that we go to ValleyHigh?" Erica asked as soon as I sat down at our new lunch table. I took off my bookbag and placed it on the floor and groaned. I have no idea! It's not like we wear a sign everyday that says, "We're from ValleyHigh, please make fun of us!". This is absolute bullshit!

"It's because of your looks." We all furrowed our eyebrows and looked to see where the voice came from. And sitting at the very end of our table was a girl wearing glasses and headphones. "How can she hear us if she's wearing headphones?" Noah asked me and I only stared at the girl. She didn't look mean, but looks can be deceiving.

"Nothings playing. I only wear these so guys don't talk to me." She said with a smile and she removed them and moved closer to us. That's actually really smart. I'm going to start doing that. But back to what she said. "What do you mean? We look fine." I said to her and she laughed and smiled at me.

"Girl, she dresses like she's from clueless," She said as she pointed at Erica, who gasped loudly. "He dresses like a typical gay, and you dress like tumblr. And that couple dresses like they live at Urban Outfitters." I bit my lip and looked down at my outfit. Ripped jeans, boots, and a sweater. What's so different? I turned around and looked at everyone else and we did look different from them.

They were dressed more casual but with an edgy twist. Holy shit, that's it. "But don't change for any of these assholes." The girl said and I turned back around to look at her. She was gathering her things and sadness washed over me. She was like our beckon of positivity at this school.

"Wait, who are you?" I asked her and she was now fully standing. "Brenda, but I'll see you guys around. Obviously." She walked away leaving us speechless. Brenda is now my favorite person ever. I appreciate her so much for that.

"So, trip to the mall?" Noah asked and I thought about it. We shouldn't change for these people. They'll always think that we have a murderer attached to us, so why should we change? I like who I am and I won't let these people change me. And we don't have a murderer attached to us. We're clean and not responsible for what happened in the past.

"No because we're not changing. Fuck these people, and fuck this school!" I said to the two and Erica's mouth formed a big "o" shape. Oh what now? "No, we can't fuck this school and the people. If they hear us say that we'll get killed, and some of us don't have Daddy police officers to always protect us!" Erica stressed and I got nervous as she frantically grabbed her things and stood up.

Where is she going? Me and Noah stood up with her and she groaned as she walked over to the trash to throw her food away. Noah and I carefully watched her as she held her tray up and stared at us. After a moment she placed it down and stormed out. I cursed under my breath and grabbed Noah and we quickly followed her.

I know I just said fuck these people, but if we're being honest these people scare the shit out of me. You saw what happened to me yesterday. Just imagine what will happen to Erica if they catch her alone. She was zooming down a hallway that was fairly empty, so I was a little less nervous.

I was about to call out to her when she stopped dead in her tracks and let out a loud groan. "What the fuck?!" She cried out as she covered her nose, but I didn't smell anything. I ran over to her and instantly smelled it. Oh my god! It smells so fucking bad.

"Ew, did you fart?" Noah asked with his nose covered too. Erica shoved him and I knew that I had to find out what that smell was. I bravely undercovered my nose, and wanted to die. God, it smells so bad. I gagged, but pushed through as I followed the smell. The more I followed it the stronger it got.

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