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"I'm home. Like you said to be." I called out to the house as I closed the front door. I heard nothing which meant that no one was home, or they didn't hear me. I walked to the kitchen and saw both of my parents sitting at the kitchen table waiting for me. Due to the silence I could tell that they were pissed at me.

"Can you come sit down?" My Mom asked me and my body was instantly filled with anxiety. I already know what this is going to be about, so why am I so nervous? I slowly walked over to them and sat down at the table.

"What has gotten into you? Doing drugs?" My Mom asked me and I wanted the same answers as her. Why would I do something so stupid and then try to fight someone for looking out for me? I'm becoming a monster, and I need to stop before I lose all of my friends.

"I'm scared. I almost died and I don't want it to happen again. Who knows how much longer I have until I get killed. I just wanted to be a normal kid before that time comes." My Mom started to cry out loud and I instantly started to feel bad.

"Mom, don't cry." I said to her as I reached for her hand and she held it. I didn't mean to make her cry. I hate seeing her cry. It bothers me so much. "I don't ever want you to think like that, okay? Your Dad and I are going to look out for you and protect you."

"I'm never letting that sick bastard get close to you ever again." My Dad said as he embraced my Mom. It made me smile to see how much love they have for each other and me. No matter how badly I fuck up, I know that they'll always have my back. I love them and I never want to disappoint them ever again. I need to make them proud, and I need to stay out of trouble for here on out.


3 hours have passed and I was now in my room doing homework while my Dad was at work and my Mom was in her office taking care of some last minute work stuff. I no longer want to be like those kids that I got high with. My grades are my main priority for now. I don't need to stop thinking or stop caring. If anything I need to think more, and care more if I want to keep me and my friends alive. I really care about them, and I don't ever want to put their lives on the line like I did before.

"Psst, Mara." Now who on earth is calling me now? I pushed aside my homework and walked to my window where the voice was coming from. I lifted up my blinds and saw Willian standing there which confused me. What could he possibly want?

"You okay?" He asked me once I opened my window. Did he come all the way here just to ask if I was okay? We have phones for a reason. "Yeah, just fine. Did you come here just to ask me that?" I asked him, clearly confused. He has made it clear that he wanted nothing to do with me. So why is he acting like he cares now?

He was hesitant at first, but then began to talk. "Your Dad asked me to come and keep an eye on you and your Mom. And I agreed because I wanted to see you and apologize to you." Are my ears deceiving me or did Willian really just say that to me?

I didn't say anything as he continued to. I needed to hear what else he had to say to me. "I never meant to hurt you like I did. I just said those things so no one would suspect that there's something going on between us. The truth is I think you're amazing, and if it wasn't for this job, or your Dad I would happily be with you."

"Do you really mean that?" I asked him and from the smile and look that he gave me I could tell that he was being honest. Willian is the guy of my dreams. I really do like him and being with him even in the slightest way is amazing to me. I've never felt this way about anyone before, and I'm happy my first is with Willian.

"You're amazing." He said to me which caused me to blush and smile. If I didn't care about school and my parents I could so sit here all night and talk to him, but my homework is calling my name.

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