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Once we arrived to Noah's house I rushed out of the car and followed Willian to his front door. He knocked and we waited for an answer. Anxiety filled my body when no one answered. Willian sent me a quick look before he unlocked the door and we rushed in. Everything inside looked normal. So where the hell is he?

I heard his phone vibrate and saw it sitting on the mini table that was right beside the closet. "Noah?!" Willian yelled out and instantly someone started to bang on the closet door. Willian pushed me behind him as he went to go open it. My body relaxed once Noah ran out of the closet unharmed. He was breathing hard as he rushed over to me with panicked eyes.

"You guys have to go check on Derrianna. I think the killer has her!" Oh shit. Willian wasted no time as he called in for backup to Derrianna's house. I guided Noah to the couch to sit down and Willian stood in the doorway.

"You guys stay here. I'll call your Dad and fill him in. Lock this door and don't let anyone in." We nodded our heads and Willian quickly left and I was alone with my best friend. I was glad that he was okay. I can't lose him. He's all that I've got.

"I'm so glad that you're okay." I said to him and he smiled at me. "Me too. I thought that the killer was going to get you guys. Before he locked in the closet he said something about killing someone. I was so scared because I couldn't get to you guys and tell you." Noah was probably shitting himself. I'm so glad that he's okay though, but there was one thing burning in my head.

"How do I know that you're not the killer?" Noah's smile slowly dropped as I studied him. Why would the killer try to kill us and not him when he had the perfect opportunity to? This doesn't add up and quite frankly I'm starting to become more and more suspicious.

"Mara, you're my best friend. You know me and you know that I would never do anything like this." Times change, and people over time just grow apart. I feel like I can't even trust my own best friend anymore.

"If I was the killer how would have I locked myself in the closet then?" I remembered how there was a chair causing Noah to be locked in the closet. He wasn't the killer because he couldn't have done that. Holy shit, why do I always let my thoughts get the best of me? I could have just sent my best friend to prison for crimes he didn't commit!

I let out a breath and started to think clearly again. If it wasn't Noah then who could the killer be? From tonight there were only 3 people missing. 2 of those being Noah and Derrianna, but I can cross them out. The last person was Oliver. No one has heard from him which could mean that it's him.

I grabbed my phone and dialed his number and after several moments he picked up. "Mara what the hell do you want? I'm at a wedding!" I started to not believe him until I heard the music and laughter. He wasn't the killer. Damn it!

"News about the killer. He almost got Derrianna and Noah but I'm with Noah right now." I took a quick look at Noah and he looked shaken up. This whole situation is so fucked!

"Are they okay?" He asked as the music became quieter which meant he was completely alone. "The police are on their way to check on Derrianna, and Noah is alive." I really just want for this all to be over with. We shouldn't be living like this.

"I have to get back now just please be okay while I'm gone." He sounded so sincere it made me want to cry. I muttered out an okay but he had something else to say.

"And please look out for Erica. She worries me sometimes." She worries me all the time. I agreed and hung up the phone and turned to face Noah. He didn't say anything and neither did I. I just accused him of being the killer not too long ago.

I let out a sigh but it still didn't get him to look at me. He was pissed at me, and it wasn't hard to tell. For minutes we just sat there doing absolutely nothing. It was too quiet. If this was a movie the killer would have made a grande appearance right about now to liven things up.

And just like I thought someone started to ring the doorbell which caused Noah and I to both jump up. We sent each looks and I walked over to the door with him right behind me. I shouldn't be doing this because I know for a fact what's about to happen, and it's nothing good.

My body filled with anxiety as my hand reached for the doorknob. Let me quickly tell you what's about to happen. Once I open this door no one will be standing there and I'll close it to hear that something from deep inside the house has fallen.

I'll go see what it is and when I turn back around the killer will be standing right behind me, waiting to kill me. Now you see why I'm so scared?

I opened the door and almost peed my pants when I saw that no one was standing there. I can't turn around. I know that he's somewhere in this house and I should just book it and go home-

"Mara!" I let out a loud scream along with Noah as Erica popped out right in front of our faces. I live to see another day. Yay.

"You almost scared us." I informed her as she started to laugh. How did she know to come here? I looked past her and saw everyone else getting out of Cheryl's car. Oliver must have called them. I rested my head on the doorframe as I saw another car pulling up. It was probably Noah's parents.

I lifted my head up when I heard my name being called and saw my Dad walking behind Cheryl and the gang. What is he doing here? Shouldn't he be with Derrianna?

"I have some unfortunate news." My stomach dropped as my Dad went on to tell us about how Derrianna was gone. I couldn't listen. I didn't want to. I watch as his lips moved and everyone reacted. Ingrid and Zion reacted the worst.

"I'm so sorry guys." And that's when everything started to move in slow motion. Ingrid fell down to her knees as Cheryl tried hold her, Zion started to pace, Erica gasped, Noah hugged me, and everyone else just looked down at the ground.

What a day, huh? We were supposed to be celebrating but instead we're mourning. I know that me and Derrianna weren't the closest of friends. Hell, we weren't even friends, but I still knew her and she didn't deserve that. She had people who deeply cared about her. She had a family. She had friends. She had people who respected her, and I was one of them.

What a fucking world we live in.

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