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My Dad stopped his car right outside of the school and I instantly got nervous. I wish I took another week off. I don't think that I can do this anymore.

"Remember what I said," I looked away from the school and to my Dad and I started to feel much better. I love him. "If you don't feel good in the slightest you can go with Willian and he'll take you home. He'll stay with you until either me or your Mom can get to you."

It meant a lot to me that my parents cared this much about me. If I didn't have their support I don't think I would have made it this far. I smiled at my Dad and hugged him and he returned it. It started to make me feel better until I was ready to enter the school.

I left his car and waved at him as he drove away. Once he was gone I saw Willian's car pull up. I smiled and turned to face the school. It was like the first day all over again, only worse.

"You guys ready?" I stayed facing the school as the group stood behind me. Rather we like it or not we have to be ready. Ingrid was the first to walk and we all followed behind her. As soon as we entered we were met with trouble and their names were Stacey and Jackson. As soon as they saw us entering the building them and their friends started to block the doorway so we couldn't get in.

"Jackson this is our school. Move." Ingrid called out, looking down at him and he just smiled at her. Is he really picking a fight with someone who's easily a good 1 foot taller than him? This is going to be amazing. Hell, it might even make me laugh.

"No can do. You're siding with the kids who got our friend killed." The air got tense once those words left his mouth. Since Ingrid was still pissed I knew that she was about to go off on this short dude. "They're my friends and what happened wasn't their fault. Derrianna wasn't your friend, she hated you. Now move before I kick your nuts in." He started to smirk at her, not moving an inch. Since it was going to be trouble we all took a step towards Jackson and his friends and his smirk dropped.

"What is going on here?" Standing directly behind Jackson was both of our Principals. Since we didn't want to get in trouble we stepped back and Jackson turned to face them. "Um nothing. We're just lightening the mood." He added a nervous laugh and they looked at all of us. I really can't get in trouble again.

"Let's get to class guys. And Jackson you have a test first period, get going." I started to smile because we weren't getting in trouble. Jackson and Stacey sent us one last look before they walked away with the Principals. "That went well!" Erica chimed as we all started to walk into the school.

Here's why we can't and don't want to get in trouble. If we get in trouble we'll get suspended and that'll go on our record, and it won't look good when we're applying to colleges. I want to get out of here so badly that I'll do almost anything to keep my record clean. I need to go to college. I just have to.

"Okay, I know that everyone is thinking it so I'm going to just say it." Erica called out as I unlocked my locker. I have no idea what she's on about, but I don't mind. It's better than sitting in awkward silence.

"I know that something tragic just happened to us, but I miss you guys." I took a quick look at Erica and she was quickly looking at all of us with the most sincere eyes. "I just want everything to go back to the way it was. I want you all to be happy," Her voice started to get softer as if she was walking away. I looked away from my locker to find her tip-toeing to everyone.

As I watched her creep up on Noah which made him laugh I thought about everything that we all been through. It was a lot, but I'm glad that I have these people by my side. Each and everyone of them are equally amazing and incredible. I love them. Erica was now fully dancing with Noah as we all laughed at them. I couldn't help it so I closed my locker and joined in as everyone cheered. Just like old times.


"Holy shit, you're back!" I called out to Max as we all hugged him before taking our seats in first. Max has been gone for awhile and now he's finally back. "How was your trip?" Erica asked him as I started to take out my class stuff. "Girl it was life changing. It felt amazing just being away from this gloomy place for awhile. But I heard about everything that happen. How are you guys?"

I looked at Noah and Erica as we thought about how we were feeling. It was weird because I know that someone I knew is gone but as each day goes on I'm feeling better and better. I guess that's just apart of life.

"We're okay, we're still alive." I said and Max smiled at me before the teacher started to talk to us about today's lesson. I'm so ready to learn and just forget about what I'm going to have to go through today.

"So no new guys?" Max asked as he walked with us to our next class. Erica and I had gym so I don't know where Noah and Max were going. "Love, of course not, but that's really not a problem for me." Erica said and I furrowed my eyebrows and turned around to look at her. What the hell is she talking about?

"What are you talking about?" I asked her as we all stopped walking and stood by Max's locker. Erica started to smile and blush and it made me want to know more about what she was hinting at. I was dying here!

"Oliver and I are officially dating!" Wait what? This weekend she kissed my boyfriend and now she's happily in a relationship? What the hell is this? Maybe it was nothing, I mean she does have a boyfriend now. Maybe she was just trying to see if she actually had feelings for him. It's a girl thing, trust me.

"I'm officially off the market! No more single Erica!" When I realized that I didn't react or say anything I started to smile at her. "That means we can't pretend to date when I want to avoid guys." Noah complained and I playfully hit him.

"Sorry Noah, maybe Max can be your pretend lover?" Erica suggested with a wink and I hid my laugh. Before they could say anything I grabbed Erica and we made our way to gym, while saying goodbye to the boys.


"My therapist once told me that when I'm having a shit day just point out all of the good things about the day." Erica and I exchanged looks as Ingrid started to jump rope. Since I didn't want to be in a bad mood I started to follow Ingrid's actions and Erica did the same.

"It's very sunny outside and it's making the whole school look brighter." Erica pointed out and I agreed with her. I love it when it's sunny. It's perfect for taking selfies.

"It's oddly warm outside." Ingrid pointed out and now it was my turn. There were quite a few things that I can say right now.

"Max is back." Ingrid instantly stopped jumping rope and she stared right ahead of me. I stopped too and turned around to see what she was looking at and walking right towards us was a group of Ingrid's old friends. This can't be good. I threw down my jump rope once they approached us.

"Well, well, well what do we have here?" A boy said as he stared to us. I've only seen this boy like twice, so I have no idea what his name is. "Tyler what the hell do you want?" Ingrid asked and his eyes instantly went to her.

"Who said that I wanted something? I'm just simply observing." He said with a light smile, but I saw right through his bullshit. Ingrid rolled her eyes and ignored him as she got back to Erica and I. "Can we stop jumping rope? It's hurting my limbs." Erica complained and I smiled at her.

"Oh wow! Look at her! Using her big brain energy!" Erica's eyes quickly darted to the boy and something in her just snapped. I've never seen her like this before. "If you have a problem with us move around." She called out to him while she stepped towards him. Since me and Ingrid care about Erica we also stepped with her.

"I've been waiting on the day to beat some ValleyHigh ass." He happily called out as him and his friends took a step towards us. "Wow, you must be a pussy if you've been waiting this long to hit some girls." I said to him and he clenched his jaw.

"You really got a lot of nerve." He said to me as he shoved me. Why do all guys shove first? If you want a real fight throw a hit or something. Stop acting like bitches! As I recovered from the push I noticed a big group of students started form around us. We can't do this here or we'll get in trouble.

"We'll pick this up later." I said to him and his group of friends started to laugh at me. I really care about my record and I don't want to get in trouble. Forgive me for caring. He shook his hand with a smirk on his face and they walked away. Guys at this school are so fucking weird.

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