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I felt like I was living in my final days. It was completely dark out, the killer was still outside the door, and we were now freezing our asses off, thanks to Mike!

"My fingers are turning blue." One of the boys said. If I could see mine right now I bet that they would also be turning blue. If I freeze to death I'm haunting everyone in here. I wrapped my arms around my body to try to warm myself up, but I was still freezing.

"Who knew the difference a little window could make." Mike called out with a light laugh as he warmed up his girlfriend. When we get out of here I'm going to kill him.

"We're going to freeze to death." Reem complained and I nodded my head at her. We have to look on the brighter side of things though. It could be a lot worse than what it is right now.

"We can't think so negative, guys." I said and everyone started to look at me.

"Wow, how could we not? Thanks to you idiots." Jalen called out and I closed my eyes to think. He's been so quiet that I forgot that he was even in here with us.

I need to make everyone think happy thoughts so we can get out of here. I opened my eyes again, and continued to talk. "No matter how cold or how hungry we get. Inside of this library will be way safer than out there with him."

I almost peed myself as he began to talk from the other side of the door. "What makes you think that it's safe in there?" He asked us. It's just a little cold. We'll be fine.

We all stood up as he began to ask the question again. But this time I answered for him. "You can't get in here. We'll be safe as long as you're out there, and we're in here." I said to him and he started to laugh.

That laugh meant that I was wrong, but how? He has no way of getting into this library. There's nothing that he can do to us. "I don't need to get in there." He said in between laughs. Wait, what? Why wouldn't he?

Once he saw my confusion he laughed even harder and I exchanged looks with Mike. I knew that he was thinking the same thing as me. I turned to face everyone and they all looked just as confused as me. "It's not only him." I said and everyone slowly looked at each other.

Someone in this library is working with him. It could be anyone, so my next words and actions need to be very careful. I need to protect myself because as of right now I don't trust anyone. I slowly reached for my scissors but panicked when I didn't feel them. What the-

"Looking for these?" My breathing got faster and my eyes started to water as Erica stood in front of us, holding my scissors. My brain couldn't process what was happening as she started to smile at everyone. I can't believe it.

"It's you?" Mike asked her and she started to laugh. "Why are you guys so surprised? Of course I'm capable of doing this." All this time it was Erica. But how? She was my friend. I liked her, I cared about her. I loved her.

"Well, it wasn't just me. I'll admit that I had some help." She happily called out as she started to walk towards the door and Mike pushed us away from it and to the side. He stood in front of us as Erica opened the door and the guy in the mask walked through the door.

He stood there for a moment and just stared at us. I remembered that feeling I got deep down in my stomach the first time I saw him. I was feeling the same thing, but times ten. Slowly he pulled off the mask and I wanted to throw up.

"Colin?" They both started to laugh at me as that sick feeling took over my stomach. How could they do something like this? Especially to their friends. I mean, why would they even want to do this?

"Hi baby-cakes." I slowly backed away and covered my mouth as vomit started to slowly rise from my stomach.

"Now I know you all are confused as to what's going on." Colin started to say and I turned away from everyone and stared at the floor. I need to breathe.

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