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"What did I miss? Did some serious shit happen?" Erica asked as all seven of us walked towards the front doors of the school. Erica was officially back and better and skinnier, and because I wanted her to get better and not worry we didn't tell her about what happened. Mainly because we couldn't because we weren't supposed to be there, and for the record we weren't.

"Just the usual." Max said to her and I mentally thanked him for not spilling the beans. We weren't even in the school for a full 30 seconds before we were met with Zion, Derrianna, and the other girl who's name I never learned. What could be the problem now.

"In 10 minutes meet us in the auditorium. It's important." And with that they walked away and I furrowed my brows. What could that be about? Maybe the party? But they have no idea that we were there. Oh fuck, do they know about Pearleen? Fuck, i'm nervous.

"What was that all about? Seriously, is everything okay?" Erica asked, breaking me out of my thoughts. I looked up from the floor and to her, but no words left my mouth. How do I explain this to her? She'll only freak and flip out because she wasn't there to protect us.

"Everything should be fine, but we're about to find out." Mike said for me as he placed his free arm over Erica's shoulders and walked towards the auditorium while still holding Cheryl's hand too. I let out a deep breath and Noah lightly nudged me and smiled at me which caused me to walk.

We made it to the auditorium just as the bell rung, but I'm sure that whatever is about to go down is way more important than class. The doors opened and my eyes were met with 2 regular guys from West ValleyHigh basically guarding the doors. They lightly nodded their heads at us as we walked in, which was fucking weird. Once we were officially in the room it was filled with most of everyone from the party, and no one from our school. Holy shit.

"What is this?" Erica whispered to us as I guided her to some seats. We all sat down and stared at everyone from West ValleyHigh with confusion. How do they know about us being at the party? How did they find out? I looked around the room to see if Brenda was here, but she wasn't. What the hell?

"You guys are probably wondering why you're here, instead of being in class." The unknown named girl said as she walked over to us while the other two stayed on the stage. I think I'm freaking out right now.

"Yes," Everyone's head instantly turned to look at a very confused and pissed off Erica. She knows absolutely nothing. "I am literally sitting in the dark, seeing as if I was at home with the flu, almost dying." She said and I felt really bad for her.

"My cousin told me that when I noticed that you went missing for a few days. We sent you flowers, a 'get well soon' card, and some magical soup. I see the soup worked." The girl said and my brows shot straight up. That was really nice of them, but why would they do something so nice for some people that they hate? I am so lost.

"So as some of you know that on Friday of the week that just passed me, and those two people sitting on the stage," She gestured towards Zion and a very angry looking Derrianna who were both sitting on the stage, closely watching us. "Threw a party that only West ValleyHigh students could attend. That's why all of these people are here." She once again gestured to the kids who were sitting everywhere, just watching us.

"I brought you guys here because you guys represent your school, minus Max but he's apart of this clique, which I don't want to break up." Why is she being so calm and reasonable? Like 2 weeks ago she tried to fight me for no reason. Is she the same girl?

"So since you guys are your school I feel as if I can only tell you guys this information that must stay between us, and everyone else in this room." Wait, they don't know that we were at the party? Then what the hell is this about?

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