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It was 8 AM and I should be in first, but instead I'm outside in the woods waiting for Xander's friends. My talk with my parents was shit. Like I thought, they were disappointed in me, mostly my Dad, but I can't please everyone.

"Look, it's my boys." Xander said as 3 figures started to walk towards us. I have no idea who his boys are, but I'm just here to get high, right? The people reached us and they all greeted Xander and just looked me up and down. I'm not your typical stoner.

"Who's she?" The girl asked as she pulled out some stuff. I have never seen these people before, but something tells me that I'm going to be seeing them way often. I wanted to introduce myself, but Xander sent me a quick look and began to do it for me.

"The Chief's Daughter, but don't worry she just wants to get high." The girl stared at me for a moment, like she was reading me and I sent her a quick smile as she did so, but didn't get one in return.

"I got some good shit this time." One of the guys said as he pulled out a bag of something. It looked like little tiny pieces of paper. What the hell is that? "You got it! About time." Xander happily said as he grabbed the bag from his friend. I have no idea what I'm getting myself into.

"You tried cid before?" The last guy asked as he looked at me. I have no idea what that is and I don't know if I should just play along and act like I have. Before I could get out my answer someone spoke for me.

"Of course she hasn't. She's a goodytoshoes." The girl said as she laughed at me, which caused a chain reaction of laughter. Okay, I guess it's time to make fun of me for lacking at taking drugs.

"Well you came on a good day because I got the shit. It makes you go absolutely crazy. I tried some last night and I'm still feeling it." Go crazy? Am I sure that I want to do this? I mean I can't go to class high off my ass. Everyone will know, and then my Dad's gonna know. Oh God, I'm thinking again.

"Mara if you back out I swear to God I'll make your life a living hell." Xander said to me and honestly my life is already a living hell. But why shouldn't I enjoy it? I need to have a good time and not worry about anything.

"Fuck it, beam me up Scotty!" I said with a laugh and everyone just stared at me like I had grown 2 heads. I don't think they get it. "You know? Like the expression?" It didn't ring a bell for them and it really showed. Okay, let's just get high.


"And look who finally found our class." My first period teacher said as I slowly walked in. I have to be careful so I don't seem high off my ass. I found out that looking at the ground makes everything feel much better. I tried looking at people and God, do they look weird.

"I'm glad you like the floor. Please take your seat." I watched each tile as I stepped on them. They did little dances which made me laugh. How do floors do that? It's nuts! I pulled out my stool and sat on it, almost falling off of it with a laugh.

I felt people staring at me so I regain my composer and stared at the board. Why was the writing moving? Holy shit, this is amazing! This is like some Harry Potter shit!

"Mara?" The voice was coming from all directions but something told me to look to my left and once I did everyone at my table was staring at me. It was like they were in 3D! They're so close to me! I wonder if I can touch them.

"You okay?" Erica asked me and her body started to vibrate. It's like she's a phone and someone is calling her. That's funny. I started to laugh but realized what she had asked me. I need to act normal. What class is this? Maybe I should do my work.

"Smooth as a pickle." I said to her as I started to get out my things. As soon as I grabbed a notebook the bell rung, scaring the fuck out of me. Why is it so loud?

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