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"Where were you?" I nearly shit myself as I turned around to see Willian standing by his car, watching me. I didn't see him as I was walking towards my house because it was dark out. After my conversation with Salah I went to the library to do some research, and eat the delicious sandwich that he made for me. But while I was at the library I did a lot of research, and I learned some things about a suspect.

"I went out to clear my head." I said to him as I walked over to him. I stood in front of him with a smile on my face because believe it or not, I'm in a good mood right now. "I'm being paid to watch you. To make sure that nothing happens to you. And when you just wander off, for hours, without telling anyone I worry." He stressed and I forced out a laugh.

"And you're still getting paid after I was attacked, almost murdered. I just needed to clear my head." I said to him and I started to walk to my house, but I was stopped when he grabbed my arm, forcing me to face him.

"Like I said before, I care about you. I can't stand to see you get hurt again." I looked between his grip and his face. Without thinking I pressed my lips against his and kissed him. To my luck he kissed back. The kiss felt amazing. We stayed like that until I saw the lights from my bedroom turn on. We both pulled away and laughed at what just happened.

"I'll see you tomorrow." He said to me as he started to walk towards his side of the car. "I'm gonna need you tomorrow for something. It's important." He just smiled at me as he got in his car and I smiled and walked to my house. Wow, I can't believe that I did that.


"And we're back." Erica said as her and Noah walked into my living room, holding coffee and bags from starbucks. "This time I mean business." I said to the two as they gave me and Cheryl coffee and a breakfast sandwich. I put them to the side and got out my notes from my trip to the library yesterday.

"Someone's missing." Noah spoke up and I looked around and saw that everyone was here, except for Willian. Shit, I forgot him. I quickly stood up and opened my front door and called for him. He quickly got out of his car and I smiled at him as he walked over to me.

"Please come in." I moved over so he could enter and he stared at me for a moment before walking in. I guided him to the living room and once everyone saw him they stopped what they were doing and stared at him.

"Um, what's going on?" Colin asked as I guided Willian to sit down on the couch. He stared at everyone before sitting down. Erica was the first to stop acting weird. She shook her head and picked up her coffee and started to drink it. "Okay so I found out some new information about Mike." I said to everyone and Cheryl put down her sandwich and stared at me.

"Why? Your Dad said that he's not the killer." Cheryl said and I flipped opened my notes and handed them to her. "That's because he doesn't know this." Cheryl looked at me and then at my notes, and she started to read them out loud.

"Mike went to anger managment and has been in a lot of violent events. Okay, so? I knew this?" Cheryl said as she gave me my notes back. "Because you dated him. Has he ever been violent towards you?" Noah asked her and she nearly popped a vessel in her face.

"What the hell?! No he has never and he won't ever. I know him and I know that this isn't him." Cheryl said, defending her man. This doesn't make sense. "But not too long ago you thought that he was the killer. What changed?" I asked her and her face soften.

"After I was questioned he talked to me and I just knew that it wasn't him. I'm sorry but Mike isn't the killer. Find someone new." I bit my lip and stared at Willian who looked like he had something to say. My staring caused everyone else to stare and because she's Erica, she had nothing to hold back.

"Okay, spit it out dude." Willian looked at her and then at me, and he started to talk. "Our suspect has to have a relationship with those he killed. Rather it's good or not. Mike, he could be the killer for all the reasons, except for the main one. He has no relationship with those people. He has no reason for killing his girlfriend's friends, and let's be honest everyone has a reason for killing Ms. Black."

"Except for me!" Erica chimed in and Noah rolled his eyes at her. "Okay, so what other suspects do you guys have?" I asked Willian and he only stared at me. That can't be good. "You have none?" Cheryl asked, clearly pissed.

"Not at the moment?" He said and Cheryl groaned and stood up. We're sitting ducks! We're all going to die. Holy fuck. "That's so stupid dude." Colin spoke up and I nodded my head at him. How is it that they can't find anymore suspects? This town isn't that big, it shouldn't be that hard to find out who's doing this.

"Look, until we have new information just stay put and don't do anything stupid." No one said anything as Willian stood up and left. Once I heard the front door close I stood up, getting everyone's attentions.

"We need to find some new suspects."


"You're leaving already? I didn't know that my house was that boring." I said to Cheryl as she packed her things with a laugh. "My parents are back and they want to see the new school that we're all going to on Monday." An hour after Willian left we all received an email from our Principal saying that school will resume on Monday, but at a different location. Since our town isn't that big there are only 2 high schools here. The one that we attended, and a different one an hour away from here.

"Are you as nervous as I am? I've heard stories about those kids." I said to Cheryl and she let out a breath and sat down on my bed and stared at me. "One kid used to be cool with Mike and he'll invite us to parties. I've heard what those kids think about us, I've seen what they do. It's not good."

"Should we be scared of them?" I asked her as she stood up. Someone started to honk their car horn from outside, getting Cheryl's attention. "I would if I were you. They're bad news." And with that Cheryl grabbed her bags and sent me a quick smile before leaving my room.

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