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If you find yourself in a slight pickle with someone, and you need to leave without them knowing just distract them. It's always the best thing to do.

"So, why you, Colin?" I spoke up. The two turned to me with their brows raised while everyone else just stared at me confused. I know what I'm doing. Can they just fuck off for a second?

Him and Erica exchanged looks and then he began to explain. That was fucking easy. I never knew that I was dating an actual moron. "Well for starters, me and Erica are dating." What the fuck?! Maybe he wasn't the moron. What if it was me?

"Woah, dude." Mike called out which made Colin laugh. I wanted to scream out and attack Colin, but I had to remember who had the upper hand here, and it wasn't me.

"We started dating about 5 years ago, and one of the first things she told me was the story about her Dad," Now that Colin is engaged in our conversation I need for someone to take out Erica. And when I say someone, I mean Mike.

"I was the one who suggested that we do this, and she was the one to come up with the plan." I kept my eyes on Colin as I slowly reached my hand to Mike's back. Once I felt it I pinched him and he slightly jerked.

"Her plan, which was amazing by the way was something that I knew that I had to be apart of because i'll do anything for my Baby." Colin turned to smile at Erica and she smiled back at him, like she was in love with him.

I pointed my head towards Erica, and Mike only stared at me. "What?" He mouthed as Colin and Erica started to confess their love for each other. I could throw up.

I rolled my eyes at Mike and I gave him another pinch out of anger and frustration. "Take. Her. Out!" I mouthed to him and he gasped and stared at Erica. I shook my head at how long it took for him to get it, and then I went back to Erica and Colin.

"So, are you done?" I asked him, interrupting them. Colin laughed and turned back to me. "You never loved me, did you?" I asked him as I made my brows quiver. I was expecting his face to soften, but it never did. What the hell?!

"No, actually I thought you were a bitch." A bitch?! I was nothing but nice to him! I even kissed him when I didn't want to. He should be calling me an angel.

"Add whore to that because while she was dating you she was fucking that cop." Oh my fucking god. Colin, and I'm pretty sure everyone else in this library stared at me surprised. I almost forgot that I told Erica about it.

"You're such a whore!" Colin said with a laugh. I swear if they weren't out to kill me right now I would so get up and beat their asses. But I need to calm down and be smart. I can't do anything stupid and get someone killed, again.

"You were fucking Willian?" Cheryl asked me and I groaned and kept my eyes on Erica and Colin. I'm so pissed right now that I could kill them.

They started to laugh and it triggered something inside of me. I tried to ignore it, but with every second that passed with them laughing it just made me even angrier. I got so angry that my face turned hot, I couldn't hear anything but my breathing. Everything went red out of rage. I stood up and ran over to Erica, completely knocking her down to the ground out of anger.

Everyone cried out for me to get off her, but I didn't listen. She pushed me off and I rolled and stood up. Before I could do anything else Mike pushed me out of the way and I fell down as Erica pulled out her knife, and didn't hesitate to stab Mike.

And at that moment everything just went in slow-motion. Cheryl's loud ear piercing scream, Mike falling down, me staring because I couldn't believe what I did, and Cheryl crying and running to catch him.

"Stay with me! You're going to be okay." Cheryl said as she held her boyfriend tightly in her arms. I started to sob as I backed away and just watched. There was nothing that I could do. I knew that he was dead when Cheryl lowered her head and sobbed. I couldn't describe what I was feeling, but all I can say is that it's not good.

Remember where you are

I snapped out of my thoughts and looked at Erica and Colin. I wanted to kill them, harder than I wanted to before. Scratch that, I'm going to kill them If not for me, then for Mike. "You killed him." I said to Erica as she wiped off her knife.

"So? He got in the way." What the actual fuck! I was about to say something else when Noah started to yell out Cheryl's name. I quickly turned around to see that she was about to do the same thing that I did to Erica. Since we all know how that ended I quickly held her back.

"You killed my boyfriend! He didn't do anything wrong!" Cheryl cried out to Erica as I tightly held her. I knew how she was feeling. She was crushed, hurt, destroyed, devastated, and scared. She had every right to be. We all do.

"Look, I never wanted to hurt any of you, apart from Mara. But you guys just got in my way. I don't make the rules." Erica was literally feeding us a bunch of lies right now. I felt Cheryl's breathing slow down, and I took that as my cue to release her. I need to get the fuck out of here before one of us snaps.

"So anyways I need to kill Mara." And before they do that to me.

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