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Willian: You're joking, right??

Me: This is hard to explain but I like you and I want to be with you, but I need a coverup. It's Colin

Willian: So you're going to go out with him just so people won't suspect something's going on between us?

Me: Yes, I'm willing to do whatever it takes to keep us a secret.

Willian: So there's an us??

Me: Take me out first and then yes

I smiled down at my phone as I watched Willian type something out. I can't believe we're actually going to do this! I like Willian a lot so I'm really excited to see where this is going to go. My happy thoughts came to a sudden end when someone forcefully closed my locker, almost making me drop my phone and shit my pants at the same time.

I looked up to see the girl from PE staring at me. What does she want now? I raised my eyebrows at her and she folded her arms across her chest. Her stare was haunting, so whatever she thinks I did is probably bad. "Have you seen my friend Pearleen? She's about 5'2, Asian, wears glasses, and gets nothing but A's."

Holy shit, that was the dead girl in the closet. I quickly put on my worry face and thought about what to say. "Is she at home? She probably took a day off." I said to her and her expression never changed. I'm starting to sweat a lot. I hope she doesn't notice.

"She never does that. If you know anything let me know." She studied my face for a moment and I swallowed and quickly nodded my head. Once she walked away I locked my locker and went right to class to tell Erica, but remembered that she wasn't here today. Fuck!

I walked into English and placed my bag on the back of my chair and noticed that it was a sub today. Yay me! I looked around at the empty desk around me and grabbed the first book that I saw to make it seem like I had something to do for this class. The bell rung and I noticed that someone else was missing.

"Hey," I whispered to Max who was sitting right next to me. He looked up from his book and stared at me. "Where's Colin?" I asked him and he smirked and looked back to his book. Max and his smirks. There's always a double meaning to them.

"The principal come and got him. I hope it's nothing serious." He said as he read his book. What does he mean? I needed to talk to him. The sooner we go out the sooner me and Willian are off the hook. And plus I need to talk to him about what happened this morning.

"Why's that?" I asked him and he smirked again. "If it's something serious he won't be able to nail me." I let out a laugh and shook my head. Colin is nowhere near gay, so he would never do that. But he isn't here so I guess I have to do this myself.

"That won't be happening because we're dating." Max's eyes went wide as he closed his book and looked at me with amusement in his eyes. "Since when?" This is about to sound so dumb. I've never been this dumb or desperate, but there's a killer on the loose. Times have changed.

"Yesterday." Max nodded his head and smiled at me. I don't have a problem with Max, in fact he's been really nice to us ValleyHigh kids. He's funny and super cool. I like him, and hope that he's not involved with the killer. We fell under a silence and Max started to read again, but there was something on my mind that I needed to talk about.

"If you were a killer what would be the first thing you do to get everyone off your back?" I asked him after the silence passed. He chuckled and closed his book and turned to face me. "Besides killing more, I'd throw a big ass party. Invite the whole school." Interesting logic, but what sense does that make?

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