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"She's so bitter." Cheryl stated and Max nodded his head, agreeing with her. I mean I get why she did what she did, but that was months ago. I thought that she would be over it by now.

"She's the queen of holding grudges." Ingrid informed us and Zion nodded his head, also agreeing with her. I just don't get it. Like I'm actually and honestly confused. "God, this is making me so irritated." Noah said and he was right. This whole Derrianna thing makes me so angry.

We all looked away from her as each of our phones went off. I grabbed mine and read the notification that I had just got.

'A Storm Is Brewing, And I'm The One Who Brewing It'

I looked up from my phone and saw that everyone else was just as confused as I was. What the fuck does he mean? What's going to happen? I furrowed my eyebrows and saw that Noah was hinting at something. When he saw that I was confused he nudged his head towards Derrianna and I watched her. She was sitting alone painting, but I knew damn well that she had sent us this because we all know that she's the killer.

"She a maniac! I'm telling you!" Erica said as I kept my eyes glued to Derrianna. One way or another I'm going to prove to everyone that she's the killer, and whatever she had planned for us won't happen, because I'm about to stop her.


"Hey! Wait a minute!" I called out to Derrianna as everyone left the classroom to go home for the day. Once she heard me she turned around and just glared at me as everyone else quickly followed behind me. There is no turning back now.

"Why did you do it?" I asked her and she furrowed her eyebrows at me. I raised mine at her to show her that I wanted her to answer my question. She took a quick look behind me and then right back at me.

"What do you think I did now?" She asked with no excitement in her voice. I just wanted to shout it out to the whole school how I know that she's the killer. But if everyone knows then it won't be good.

"I know that you just sent us that message." I said to her and she furrowed her eyebrows at me. Jesus, she's really good at pretending. She should have AP drama class or something. I quickly pulled out my phone and showed her the message. She read it and looked at me with confusion written all over her face. How is she this good at acting?! Who's her coach?

"I didn't send you that. The person who did send it to you has an Android, and you know for a fact that I have an iPhone. Why would you think that I'm the killer?" She calmly asked and I was taken back. She was right. She had an iPhone so if she sent the message to us it would have shown up as blue. And the fact that she was being calm just proved to me that I had the wrong person.

How am I this stupid?

"Mara is only looking out for her peers," I heard Erica say as she wrapped her arm around my shoulder. I can't believe that I did it again! Will I ever find the real person who's responsible for this?

"We're really sorry, but how would you like to come out with us this Saturday to celebrate?" What if the killer is right under my nose? What if it's my Dad? And he can't find who it is because it's himself? What if it's my Mom? What if it's me? What if I'm responsible for all of these deaths?

"Sure, it'll be good to catch up with you guys." I am a terrible person.

I am horrible

I'm a monster

"Stop right there, you really think that your Dad is the killer?" Willian asked me as I sat in the passenger seat of his car. I just got done telling him my thoughts after what happened after I confronted Derrianna, and he wasn't too happy about them.

"Your Dad? The man that will literally do anything to protect you, your Mother, and the people of this town? Really?" Looking back at it it was very insensitive of me to think that. I know for a fact that my Dad loves us no doubt. So why would I think of him so lowly? I love my Dad. I would do anything for him.

"Oh my god, I have to go home right now." I said as I grabbed my things and exited Willian's car. I need to go home and talk to my Dad. I feel like recently I haven't been the nicest to him. I need him to know that no matter what I'll always love him, and I appreciate everything he has done for me, my Mom, and this town. He's a true hero.

I rushed home and once I made it I opened the door and looked around for him. I smelled food and heard laughter coming from the kitchen, so it's where I went. I rushed to the kitchen and found him and my Mom laughing and cooking together. One glance at them and I just wanted to cry.

I can't believe I was ever mean to them. I can't believe I ever doubted them, and thought that they would try to kill me. "Mara, is everything okay?" My Mom asked me as her face masked true concern. I couldn't hold it in anymore. I ran over to them and wrapped my arms around them and cried.

"Oh baby, what's wrong?" I heard my Mom ask over my loud cries. "I'm sorry for ever being mean to you guys. I love you guys so much and I don't ever want to lose you guys." I cried out as they both comforted me.

"We know Baby, and we love you more and more." I heard my Dad say. I'm so glad that I have them in my life. I love my parents to the moon and back. I never want anything bad to happen to them, which is why I need to find this killer and fast.

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