• Chapter One •

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"Eomma, when is Appa going to be home?" Junho asked softly, looking up from his dinner plate with a sad pout.

Haeyoung put her chopsticks down and smiled as she gently ruffled her four year old son's hair, "Your Appa will be home late tonight."

"Can I stay up and wait for him?"

"You know you have to go to bed because you have school tomorrow."

"Please mommy?" Juhno pleaded with a pout and sad puppy eyes, "Puh-leeeease...."

Haeyoung could never resist that sweet face of his. She heaved a deep sigh of defeat and said as she pointed at his plate that was filled with untouched vegetables, "I will make a deal with you. If you eat all the broccoli and carrots from your plate, you can stay up."

Haeyoung watched as Junho's face lit up with determination. He obediently and immediately stuffed the vegetables that he barely touched into his small mouth. He smiled excitedly and said with his mouth full, "I miss daddy so much. I can't wait to see him."

Haeyoung looked into her son's eyes and said softly with a gentle smile, trying to hold back her tears, "Eomma feels the same way."

Jungkook and the BTS members have been on a world tour for the past four months. The first few weeks after his departure, Jungkook had called on a daily basis to check up on them. Then slowly the calls came less frequently to once or twice a week. Then the calls eventually stopped completely.

Haeyoung had tried calling a few times, but the calls would immediately be forwarded to voicemail. She tried texting him and for every text messages she could see that they were read, but there would be no response from him.

They went without any communication from Jungkook for the last two months. Junho would ask her occasionally from time to time why his dad hasn't called. She would reassure him that his dad was really busy and would eventually call when he had a spare time.

But deep down, Haeyoung had a hard time believing what she kept telling her son. She was bothered by why he hadn't kept in touch with them. Especially when she would text the other members and they would respond right away. It was unusual for him to go months without any sort of contact.

She began to worry that maybe he felt suffocated of being tied down to one person and with a family at such a young age. She was bombarded with thoughts that maybe with him being away, he realized he missed his freedom and wanted to become an unmarried man.

After dinner, the two of them settled on the couch and started to watch 'Zootopia.' Halfway through the movie, Junho started to giggle as he placed his cute, small hands over his mouth. Haeyoung smiled curiously at her son and asked, "What's so funny, honey?"

Junho looked up with his big round eyes and his bunny teeth smile filled with amusement, "Eomma, that Judy bunny reminds me of Appa."

He turned his focus back to the television and starts giggling again. Haeyoung turned to look at what her son was talking about and sure enough, she started to softly laugh at her son's finding.

Junho looked up with eyes full of innocence and a huge smile that spread from ear to ear, "Right? Am I right, eomma?"

Haeyoung couldn't help it but she hugged him tightly and said with a grin, "You are so right."

When his laugh subsided, he continued on to finishing the movie in silence. After the movie finished, he let out a big yawn and rubbed his eyes. He looked at his mom and sighed, "Is it time for Appa to come home yet? I want to see him right now."

Haeyoung grabbed her phone and noticed that it was past the time that he should have been home already. Her stomach twisted with an uneasy feeling as she forced a smile upon her face, "Come on. Let's go upstairs to your som-chons' apartment. Maybe he is up there."

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