• Chapter Six •

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When they arrived home, Jungkook watched Haeyoung slip out of her wedge heel sandals and flopped on the couch. He quickly went to place the picnic basket in the kitchen and returned to lay down next to her.

He wrapped her in his arms and placed his chin on top of her head, while they tangled their legs together. He missed laying around and doing absolutely nothing. He missed spending quality time talking, laughing, cuddling with her.

Slowly, Jungkook began to realize that being an idol singer had its' pros and cons. It was enjoyable when he was single, traveling and being away from home. He loved to see the different things other countries had to offer him.  But now that he had a wife and kid, he wished he could share those life moments with them. If he couldn't, he found himself counting down the days, the hours, the minutes, the seconds until he would be home to see them again.

"What do you want to do tonight?" Haeyoung asked as she gently rubbed her hand against his chisel abdomen from the outside of his oversized white t-shirt.

"Could we stay here tonight and hide out?" Jungkook asked as he closed his eyes and tighten his arms around her.

"You don't want to go out?" Haeyoung asked in a soft whisper as she closed her eyes when he laid a soft kissed on the temple of her forehead.

"No, I don't feel like sharing you with the world tonight. I want to keep you all to myself."

"Good. Because I don't want to share you either."

They both laughed and continued to lay in each other's arms, enjoying the love tunes that Jungkook played from his phone. Once in a while he would croon along to sernade her and she could feel her heart fluttering like she was falling in with him for the first time again.

"Honey, have I told you how beautiful your voice is?" Haeyoung asked as yawned lazily.

"Yes, you tell me all the time and thank you," he said as he smiled with a warm twinkle in his eyes and continued to sing to her.

She loved listening to her husband sing soft melodies. He had a soothing voice that could put any baby to sleep and soon Haeyoung could feel her eyes become heavy. She fought hard to keep them opened.

But she doesn't get too many sweet moments with Jungkook where there are no interruptions. So she wanted to savor every bit of what was given to her.

Haeyoung tried to sit up, but Jungkook held her tightly and mumbled, "Don't get up. I want to stay like this for a while."

She shook her head to object, "I can't. I don't want to.  I need to get up before I fall asleep."

"Then just sleep babe."

"But I don't want to fall asleep."

"Why not?"

"Because I don't get many days like I do today. You're either busy or away because of work. Or Junho is with us."

"Ok, you win," Jungkook said as he lets go of his embrace and they both sit up on the couch with their legs crossed indian style, staring deeply into each other's eyes. He reached out for hands and intertwined their fingers together, "Do you want to have another baby?"

"Of course I do," Haeyoung answered as she squeezed his hands.

"Do you want to make another one right now?" He asked with his eyes staring down at their hands, pretending to be observing them.

"Mmm... How about two or three years from now?"

Haeyoung saw how his face fell disappointed and her heart felt uneasy to what he was thinking.

"Why do you want to wait for so long?"

"It'd be hard to take care of two kids by myself when you'd probably be gone the majority of the time."

"Maybe you, Junho, and this baby could travel with me," he suggested, "I already feel like I've missed out a lot of Junho's growing. It seems like every time I leave and come back home, he's grown a couple of inches more."

"You know I'm not able to just drop what I've started and travel with you. I have my boutique that is finally growing with more business," she said with a sad sigh.

"You know we can just live on my income alone."

"I know that but it's not about the money. I just want to have something I worked for to call as my own."

Jungkook leaned back on the couch and tugged her with him so that she was laying on top of him. He wrapped his arms around her waist and sighed, "You're really independent, you know that?"

"I know. It's because both my parents passed before I turned eight. I felt I had to fend for myself, even though I was adopted into a loving family."

"I just wish you'd let me take care of you like the way a husband should take care of his wife."

"I'm sorry," Haeyoung said with her brows knitted together in frustration.

"How about I quit BTS so I can stay home?" He asked as he reached up and pushed down the knit between her eyebrows.

"You know I would never allow you to give up your dreams to be a family man. Your career means a lot to you."

"Not as much as you and Junho mean to me. You guys are my lifeline," he said with a serious tone, "If I lost both of you, my life would be over."

Haeyoung observed the seriousness that he spoke with. She couldn't figure out why he was being to so sentimental. He spoke as if he was predicting some future and it scared her.

"Is everything okay?" She asked with worry in her voice.

Jungkook looked into the concern face of his wife and knew this was the open opportunity to tell her everything,  but as soon as he opened his mouth, "Everything is fine. I just really missed you and Junho this time around."

"We missed you, too," Haeyoung said as she gently kissed him on the lips, "Junho asked for you everyday. Why hasn't Appa called?"

Jungkook chuckled at the way Haeyoung imitated Junho. He kissed her again, "I guess I should take him out and spend some quality time with him too."

"I am sure your son would love that."

"Anyways, do you want me run you a bath to relax in? I'll order us some pizza and chicken for dinner."

"Yes, that sounds like a great idea."

Jungkook let go of Haeyoung and headed towards the bathroom. Haeyoung went to strip off her clothes and slipped into a white silk robe over her naked body.

As she was leaving the bedroom, she could hear a cellphone buzzing non-stop. She walked around the bedroom to located the phone. It was Jungkook's cell phone that was plugged to a charger.

She figured she would take it to him since someone was apparently trying to get a hold of him and it seemed serious since his phone was going off like crazy. As she unplugged his phone, she had accidentally dropped it on the floor.

"Oh crap," she muttered as she picked it up and looked it over to make sure there were no scratches.

When she flipped it over, his text message notification buzzed again. Her stomach flipped and twisted as she couldn't help but noticed the message that flashed on the screen.

Love, when will I get to see you again?

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