• Chapter Eleven •

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When the limo pulled up to the red carpet, Haeyoung felt her stomach tighten in knots as she saw the crowd of fans, news reporters, paparazzi, and hundreds of flashing lights. She nervously clenched her hands tightly to her dress in a fist and wasn't sure if coming to the charity ball was such a good idea any more. Why was she here again?

Her mind flashed to the last time she was infront of flashing lights and cameras. It was when her relationship with Jungkook was discovered as he revealed to the world that he loved her and that they had a son together. At that time, Jungkook was by her side, holding her hands. His presence alone helped calm the anxious feeling in her heart. Only he knew how much she hated being put in the spotlight.

Haeyoung never did well infront of a crowd of people or cameras. She would become shy and mute, unable to answer any questions properly. When she attended runway shows for work, she was always able to fly by without being noticed. She didn't care for all the glitz and glam. She enjoyed her job as a stylist, but she did not need to world to recognize her to be satisfied.

All of a sudden, she felt Joo-hyuk's hand cover over hers. She slowly brought her eyes up to meet his. He gazed at her with worry in his eyes and asked, "Are you okay?"

She shook her head and sighed deeply, "Maybe I shouldn't have come. What if Jungkook misunderstands the reason I'm here?"

"Misunderstands that you're not here to surprise and support him but for another reason like being here because of me? That'd be silly of him to assume such a thing."

"Well you know, people like to exaggerate things into anything just to make their story interesting."

"It would be flattering if people try to pair us up in an affair, but everyone all knows that you and Jungkook are a power couple. Everyone loves and respects the marriage you guys have. If anything people will go crazy over the fact that you came to surprise your husband," Joo-hyuk said with a warm, encouraging smile.

Haeyoung looked back down and glanced at her wedding ring. She hadn't worried about her marriage until she saw the text message and noted all those times he stared at his cellphone. Then to find out his dancing partner told Junho to call her mom. That was the last straw. She came tonight to see what kind of response her husband would have towards her.

Would he be upset that her sudden appearance ruined his night with his mistress? What if he used her appearance with Joo-hyuk as an excuse to accuse her and leave her?

She had thought many times that she should have just asked him but she was afraid of the outcome. So she wanted to see it for herself.

"Are you ready?" Joo-hyuk asked, interrupting her thoughts.

She took a deep breath and gave him a weak smile, "Yes."

Joo-hyuk gently knocked on the window and the driver opened the door. As soon as he stepped out, Haeyoung could hear the camera clicking non-stop, the reporters were shouting out their questions, and the fans squealing from behind him.

Joo-hyuk offered his hand to her and she politely accepted as she placed her hand in his so he could help her out of the limo. Reporters started to ask Joo-hyuk about how they were familiar with one another and like he said once to her, he proudly announced that she was his stylist and someone he trusted in the fashion industry.

Then the reporters turned to her and asked her if she knew Jungkook was performing tonight and why she didn't come with him instead.

Haeyoung could feel her heart beating frantically as the flashing lights began to blind her. She tilted her head down and looked towards the ground nervously. Her mind became blank and unable to find the words to explain.

Finally, Joo-hyuk squeezed her hands and she looked up towards him. He smiled warmly and then turned towards the reporters to answer that she was there to support Jungkook's performance and to surprise him.

Like Joo-hyuk had predicted, everyone went crazy about her romantic gesture. Haeyoung felt relieved and the two of them posed for a few more cameras.

As they headed inside the ballroom, she whispered, "Thank you."

"You're welcome," he said with a wink.

Once they had arrived inside, Haeyoung's eyes darted around the room until her eyes fell upon Jungkook. His back was facing towards her and he was talking and laughing with Taehyung and Jimin. She continued to look around for Da-hee but she didn't see her anywhere.

Joo-hyuk leaned over and whispered to her, "I see you found your husband. Go and surprise him."

She turned towards him with a thankful smile and said softly, "Thank you."

Joo-hyuk nodded and walked towards a waiter who was offering champagne. Then she watched him make his way towards the table he was assigned to.

Haeyoung turned back towards the direction where Jungkook was standing but he was no longer there. Neither were the rest of the BTS members. She sighed and continued to look around the room again.

Then she finally found the members sitting at a table closer to the front of the room but she didn't see Jungkook. Walking against the side of the wall, she slowly made her way towards the table to ask them where he was at.

But suddenly, she felt an arm snake around her waist and she was pulled against a harden chest. Her heart trembled when she felt a slight of hot breath touch the nape of her neck and a seductive, husky voice spoke, "Hey Beautiful, what are you doing here?"

Haeyoung smiled when she took a deep breath and recognized Jungkook's woody, floral cologne. She slowly turned her body around to face him.

When her eyes finally met his, her heart skipped a beat and her breath slightly hitched from his soft, warm gaze. The way he looked at her, she was pretty positive that there was no way this man was having an affair. She could clearly see that she was the only woman in his eyes.

"I'm here to surprise you," she answered as she looked up at him with love of affection. She gently pressed her body against him with her hands on his chest, "Because I wanted to see your performance."

"That's what I heard someone say when I walked passed them," he said as he tightened his arms around her waist and pressed his forehead against hers, "I couldn't believe it until my eyes I finally found you standing over here looking so beautiful."

Haeyoung blushed at her husband's comment. Her heart continued to leap at the way he looked at her. It was enough to make her melt into a pool of water.

Jungkook always knew how to make her feel loved. How could she ever doubt his love for her? There had to be a good explanation to the text message she saw and his strange behavior.

"Are you happy to see me?" She asked with a hopeful smile.

"More than happy," he said as he brought one of her hand to his beating heart, "Do you feel that? I'm so ecstatic to have you here tonight."

"I'm glad that I had succeeded in making you happy tonight," Haeyoung said softly as she lifted her lips closer to his.

Jungkook closed the distance between their lips and gently pressed his against hers in a passionate kiss that left her in a sweet bliss.

After they pulled away, his hand slowly glided down her arm and intertwined their fingers together as he held her hand. He smiled down at her and said, "Come on. There's room at our table. You could sit with us."

Haeyoung nodded and allowed him to lead her towards their table. She clung closely to him as he continued to whisper in her ears with sweet words. She felt like she was on top of the world until she saw Da-hee seething at her with envy.

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