• Chapter Ten •

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"Are you going to that charity ball on Saturday?" Joo-hyuk asked while Haeyoung was fixing his bow tie on the tuxedo he was trying out for the event that he had just mentioned.

"No," she said as she stepped away so Joo-hyuk could look at himself in the mirror.

"Why not? You're not going with your husband?"

"My husband was invited to go with his members," Haeyoung replied with a small smile, "I am no one of importance to be invited to these kind of functions."

"Oh please, noona. You are one the most wanted stylist that all celebrities wish to have. You are important in the glitz and glam world," Joo-hyuk said with a warm smile.

"In your books, but not theirs," Haeyoung replied with a disblief smirk.

"Then why don't come with me as my plus one? I'm sure you'd want to see your husband's performance," he urged her as he placed his hands on her shoulders and bent his knees so that he would eye leveled with her.

"Nah, it's all good. I've never been made for this glitz and glam crap. I prefer to be a nobody who the glitz and glam come visit," Haeyoung said with a wink and let out a small laugh.

"Well I'll save that invite open for you if you should change your mind," he said with a wink in return.

"Never going to change my mind," Haeyoung said confidently.

Joo-hyuk shook his head and said, "Never say never."

Haeyoung playfully stuck out her tongue at him and turned back to admire the tuxedo he was wearing, "Is this the one?"

Joo-hyuk nodded and said, "Yes this is the one. You honestly do a great job at styling. When people ask me who dressed me, I'm going to proudly tell them you did."

Haeyoung laughed and pushed him back into the dressing room, "Stop being so cheesy and go change. I will deliver this to you on Friday."

"Noona, I'm serious!" He exclaimed with a teasing smile.

"Will you go already? I need to go pick up my son and then we have a dinner date with his appa," Haeyoung said as she closed the dressing room curtain.

After Joo-hyuk left, Haeyoung quickly tidy up her boutique and she headed to pick Junho up. Once she arrived to his classroom, she noticed he was talking happily with one of his classmate. She watched from the doorway, not wanting to disturb him. She could tell by the looks of him that he was so smitten by her.

She silently squealed with delight at the cute sight she was witnessing from her four year old son. She couldn't wait to tell Jungkook as she slipped out her phone and snapped a quick photo. She glanced at the time before slipping her phone back into her purse and noticed they were running behind.

"Junho..." Haeyoung whispered to get his attention.

Junho whipped his head towards her and said excitedly to the girl, "Yerin, I have to go. My eomma is here and we have a date with my appa."

"Okay," Yerin replied shyly as Junho quickly hugged her. Haeyoung's heart melted again as she beamed happily at how adorable her son was. She can tell that by his action that when he grows older, he was going to be a sweet, loving man to whoever ends up with him.

Then Junho gave Yerin a finally wave goodbye and ran into Haeyoung's open arms. Haeyoung engulfed him into a huge tightly hug and as she tried to kiss him on the cheek, he squirmed out of her arms. Haeyoung pouted, "What? No kisses?"

"Eomma, I'm a big boy now," he said loudly as he glanced over towards Yerin who wasn't even paying any attention to him because her own parents were there now to pick her up.

Haeyoung stifle a laugh while he looked away and then pouted sadly again when he turned back towards her, "But you're my baby. I don't want you to grow up to a big boy. Who's going to give me kisses now?"

"Eomma, can I be your baby out of school?" He whispered in her ears.

"Okay, big boy," she said with a nod.

He quickly gave her another hug and said, "I'll give you a kiss in the car."

"Mmmm how about many many many kisses?" She teased him.

"Okay Eomma," he whispered in her ear, "Many, many, many."

"Alright, let go pick up your Appa," she said as she took a hold of his hand and started out the classroom door.

"Is my other eomma going to be at appa's work?" Junho asked suddenly.

Haeyoung stopped in her tracks and looked down at Junho with a confused look. Her heart hammered uneasily as she squatted down to eye level with him and asked, "Who?"

"My other eomma," Junho answered quietly when he saw the alarmed looked in her face.

"Who told you that they were your other eomma?" Haeyoung asked softly and calmly.

"Da-hee noona said I should call her eomma," Junho whispered while he looked afraid like he did something wrong, "I'm sorry, eomma."

Haeyoung was taken back by information given to her. Was Da-hee the other woman who has been texting Jungkook? Did they act like a family when she wasn't around? How long has this been going on?

"Sweetheart," Haeyoung said as she hugged him, "You didn't do anything wrong. Eomma is sorry if she scared you. But from now on, Da-hee is your noona, not your eomma, okay?"

"Okay," Junho answered with relief as he hugged her back.

Haeyoung took his hand again and they made their way to the car. As she buckled him, she asked Junho about Yerin and he happily rambled on about her. She pulled her phone from her purse and texted Joo-hyuk.

I guess I'll take up your offer as your plus one to this charity ball. -Haeyoung

Oh? I told you never say never. What changed your mind? -Joo-hyuk

I guess I do want to see my lovely husband perform and surprise him. -Haeyoung

I'll pick you up from your boutique on Saturday at 7 pm. -Joo-hyuk

Great! Thanks for inviting me! -Haeyoung


Haeyoung slipped on her earrings and glanced in the full body mirror one last time before Joo-hyuk arrived. She was dressed in a short sleeve long, body fitting rose gold sequins evening gown with a low droop back that showed off every inch of her sexy curves.

Just as she turned around, Joo-hyuk walked into her boutique and froze at door as he gazed at her in awe. When his eyes finally met hers, he smiled sheepishly, "Wow. You look beautiful, Noona. Jungkook is one lucky man."

Haeyoung's cheeks flushed as she looked down at herself anxiously, "You think he'll be happy to see me?"

"He will be thrilled to see you. If not, someone else would be happy to have you there," he said with a flirtatious wink.

"Ha-ha, funny," Haeyoung said as she lightly slapped him on the arm.

"Are you ready to surprise your husband?" He asked with a warm smile as he offered his arm to her.

"Yes, I am," she said returning the smile as she looped her arms with his.

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