• Chapter Four •

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Haeyoung was ecstatic for her afternoon with her loving husband. She couldn't wait to get through her appointment with the new client and then into the arms of the love of her life.

When she heard the door to her store open, she turned around with a big, bright smile and said, "Annyeonghasaeyo! Welcome to... Oh! It's you!"

She found herself looking into the eyes of the young man she had met two years at the zoo. Nam Joo-hyuk. He smiled brightly and said, "You remembered me."

Haeyoung turned a shade of red and her eyes averted shyly towards the rack of different suits she pulled out for him. She tugged nervously at the hem of her white button up blouse and inhaled deeply, lifting her eyes back towards him, "So you're the new rising actor that everyone has been talking about, huh?"

"Something like that," he said with a teasing wink, but in a humble tone of voice.

Haeyoung's face continued to grow redder by the second. She was beginning to feel uncomfortable by the way that he was staring at her with a desiring sly smile. She didn't know if she should take it as a compliment or be offended by it.

She quickly turned away from his desiring eyes and towards the rack of different suits as she uncomfortably asked, "Should we start by having you try these different outfits and then you can choose between which ones you like?"

Joo-hyuk chuckled in amusement at her shyness towards him. Then he turned towards the clothing rack and nodded his head, "Sure."

For the next hour, they talked about how he was discovered and if he enjoyed all the attention and the fame. He shared with her about how he was afraid at first, but slowly he got used to it. Even though from time to time he still missed being a nobody and having his privacy.

As he was coming out of the fitting room with the last outfit. Haeyoung couldn't help but smiled in admiration at how well this last outfit looked on him. It brought out his features, his broad shoulder, his muscular arms, fitted waist line, long strong legs, and how it brighten up his face. It was definitely the one she would choose for him.

"So how old is your son now?" he asked curiously, interrupting her thoughts.

"Junho is four now and started school this year, " Haeyoung replied as she fixed his bowtie. She tried to hide her flushed pink cheeks because he caught her admiring his good looks.

Joo-hyuk stared at her secretly, admiring her beauty. She looked exactly the same as the first time he saw her at the zoo. He remembered how he was strangely attracted to her, which was why he suddenly found himself sitting down next to her on the bench.

Then he felt his heart smitten over her even more after he watched her interact with Junho. He needed to know more of her and when he caught her attention, he had very much enjoyed his conversation with her until the guy, who claimed that she was his soon-to-be wife, showed up.

All of a sudden his eyes took notice of the wedding band on her ring finger, "The ring. You actually got married."

Haeyoung looked at her ring finger and blushed when she recalled the first time they met. She claimed herself single and Jungkook became possessive, claiming her as his soon-to-be wife. She smiled with warm, loving thoughts of her husband.

"Yes, she got married," a voice proclaimed from behind them, causing them both to look towards the voice.

Haeyoung felt a string of giddy, fluttering  emotions filling her up as she stared lovingly in the eyes of her husband, "To him."

"Didn't I tell you that she was my soon-to-be wife? I wasn't kidding when I proclaimed it two years ago," Jungkook said with a wink at Haeyoung as he grinned from ear to ear proudly.

Joo-hyuk tried to wipe off the disappointment from his face. He was internally kicking himself for not asking her for her phone number back then. He could have maybe intercepted and changed her heart's decision. But now he will never know what would have happened.

He forced a pleasant smile upon his disappointed frown and reached out to shake Jungkook's hand, "I'm Nam Joo-hyuk. Nice to meet you."

"I'm Jeon Jungkook," Jungkook answered and then walked over to give his wife a kiss on the cheek, "Now if I knew you were her new client, I would have came here earlier."

Haeyoung's face flushed bright red as she hissed embarrassingly, "Honey!"

Joo-hyuk chuckled at how attractive she looked feeling embarrassed by her husband's possessive character. She was a beauty and with her humble heart of not realizing it, made her even more stunning. If she was his woman, he would have done the same thing.

"I don't blame your husband for being protective over you. I would be acting the same way to make sure other men know that you were taken," he said with a warm smile.

"You guys are unbelievable," Haeyoung said with a shake of her head and turned back to the outfits, "Do you know which one outfit you like?"

"I'll take the one I'm wearing right now," Joo-hyuk said as he looked at himself in the mirror one last time.

Haeyoung smiled and said, "Great choice! I will make sure to have this out to your company the day before your movie premiere."

"Awesome," he answered as he stepped back into the fitting room.

Before closing the curtain to the fitting room, he watched in envy as Jungkook tugged Haeyoung into his embrace lightly kissed her nose before nuzzling her neck. He could have been the guy holding her in his arms. He sighed sadly and pulled the curtain closed to change out of the suit.

Joo-hyuk had wished for months after he first met her that fate would somehow allow them to bump into each other again. Strangely enough as he walked into the boutique this morning, he was shocked to see her after two years. Was it fate trying to tell him something?

He thought that this was his chance. But now he was disappointed that the one woman, who caught his eyes a couple years ago, was now happily married.

When he finally came out of the fitting room, he handed her the suit and said, "I will let my company know how great it was to work with you. You made this experience easy and smooth."

"I'm glad I could help," she answered with a warm smile.

"It was great to meet the both of you again," Joo-hyuk said as he shook both of their hands.

After Joo-hyuk left, Jungkook snaked his arms around his wife's waist and back hugged her as he rested his chin on her shoulder, "I think he was a little disappointed that you're married."

Haeyoung rolled her eyes at his nonsense, "Whatever Jungkook. I highly doubt he thought anything like that."

"You are a beautiful woman, inside and out. I am pretty sure you have a lot of secret admirers. I'm the lucky one to have been chosen by you," Jungkook said sweetly as he tighten his arms around her waist.

Haeyoung's heart fluttered at his sweet words. She turned around to face Jungkook and lightly kissed him on the lips, "You know you're not the only lucky one."

"I'm not?"


"Why's that?"

"I got pretty lucky with you, too."

"I guess we should celebrate how lucky we both are," Jungkook whispered as he gently pressed his lips against hers in a sweet kiss.

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