• Chapter Eight •

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Haeyoung stepped away from Joo-hyuk's embrace and wiped away the tears that had made their way down her cheeks. She had so much bottled up inside her for two weeks that when Joo-hyuk came to her boutique to try on more outfits for a photo shoot, she broke down infront of him.

"I'm sorry," Haeyoung said feeling embarrassed, "I didn't mean to break down infront of you like that."

"It's okay," Joo-hyuk said with a small smile, "Did you want to talk about it?"

"No, I think I just needed to cry it out because I feel better now," she said returning the smile.

"Well if you give me your phone, I can save my number in it and you can call me whenever you need to talk to a friend. I'll be there for you," Joo-hyuk offered.

"It's okay. It won't happen again," Haeyoung replied sheepishly.

"Why is it so hard to make friends with you?" He challenged her.

"It's not," she said shyly.

"Do you not trust me?"

"I trust you."

"Then can we be friends and have lunch sometimes? I don't have any friends and it gets pretty lonely sometimes."

"Okay that doesn't make any sense. How can a person like you don't have any friends?"

"It's hard for me to trust and open up to others."

"And you trust me?"

"Yeah. You seem like a very genuine person."

Haeyoung let out a soft laugh as she reached for her cellphone that was sitting on her register. She was about to unlock her phone but she realized it was powered off. She turned on the phone and when it was turned on completely, her phone was flooded with missed calls and text messages.

Where are you? -Jungkook

Why aren't you picking up? -Jungkook

You were supposed to pick up Junho. Did you forget?-Jungkook

Don't worry. I went and got Junho. -Jungkook

I'm worried about you. Where are you? -Jungkook

All of sudden, Haeyoung felt sick to her stomach. She snatched her purse and turned to Joo-hyuk, "Look. I'm sorry but I have to go."

"Is everything okay?" Joo-hyuk asked feeling worried.

"I'm a horrible mom. I forgot that I had to pick up Junho. So I am sorry but I really have to run," Haeyoung said apologetically.

"It's okay. I understand," he said with an understanding smile as he followed her out the door.

After she locked the door, she quickly headed towards her car. Suddenly she stopped and realized that she was rude by not telling him good bye. She turned around back towards his direction and Joo-hyuk was still standing next to her boutique watching her leave.

"If you want to have lunch sometimes, just get my number from your manager, chingu!" Haeyoung shouted with a smile and waved towards him, "Thank you again! Bye!"

Joo-hyuk smiled with a nod as he waved back to her. Then he watched her get in her car and drive off. He definitely loved the warmth that she gives off. He was glad that they could become friends because it was surely better than not having kind of relationship with her.


Jungkook was sitting on the couch staring blankly at a black screened television when he heard Haeyoung unlock the door. He was trying his best to not jump into any conclusions to why she was in the arms of another man. He was going to give her a chance to explain herself.

"Junho is spending the night at the Hyungs' apartment," Jungkook said softly to stop her from walking away from him.

"Oh," she said as he could hear her make her way back towards him, "I'm sorry."

"You don't need to apologize to me. It's Junho who you should apologize to," he said as he closed his eyes and took a deep breath, "Where have you been?"

"I was at the boutique and helping a client. I let the time slip away from me."

Jungkook could feel her standing directly behind him, with her eyes boring down on him. He stood up from the couch to face her. His heart writhed in agony as he continued to replay the painful memories that he stumbled upon earlier this evening at her boutique.

"Why weren't you picking up? I was worried that something happened to you."

His eyes were glistened with pain and worry. She looked at him with guilt in her eyes. Was it guilt for making him worry about her? Or was it guilt that she was in the arms of another man?

"My phone was powered off and I didn't realize it until I needed to use my phone."

"Is everything okay?" Jungkook asked as his eyes burned into hers as if he was waiting for a sudden confession.

"Everything is fine," Haeyoung said as she pried her eyes away from him.

"Are you sure?" He asked as he doubted her answer.

"Yes, why wouldn't I be fine?"

"Cause you've never forgotten Junho."

"I'm not perfect. I am allowed to make mistakes!" She raised her voice defensively.

"I know that you're not perfect and I'm not saying that you aren't allowed to make mistakes, but just not this kind of mistake," he said softly, trying his best to stay calm as he stepped around the couch towards her, "Not when it comes to Junho."

"Look, I said I was sorry," she said as the tears fell from her eyes, "I know I'm a bad mother for forgetting to pick up my son. I'm sorry."

Jungkook's heart soften at the sight of how broken she was for forgetting to pick up Junho. He pulled her into his arms and held her. He laid his chin on the top of her head and heaved a deep sigh as all thoughts of confronting her about what he saw went out the window.

"I'm sorry, Babe. I was not implying that you're a bad mother. You're a wonderful mother to Junho. You just seem so distant lately and it just worries me. You know you can come to me with anything."

"I know."

"And if I did anything to upset you, you can tell me and I'll do my best to not do it again."

Haeyoung thought about the text message she saw on his phone. She wanted to ask him about it and get it out in the open. It had been killing her, which is why she's been so mindless for the past two weeks. She sighed and slowly opened her mouth.

"I... I know," she barely breathed out. She chickened out. She was afraid she would lose him if she was to tell him that she knew of his affair. She would rather pretend not to know and keep him by her side than to give him this reason to leave her.

"I love you," he whispered as he tighten his arms around her waist. His heart clenched in fear that he was going to lose his wife one day. He couldn't bare the idea of living his life without her.

She buried her head in the crook of his neck and softly whispered, "I love you, too."

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