• Chapter Two •

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Jungkook paced their bedroom floor back and forth waiting for Haeyoung. He wanted to apologize to her for not calling or texting her back for the past two months that he has been gone.

It wasn't that he didn't want to, but every time when he tried to, something came up and interrupted him. Whether it was a mic check, a make up retouch, or wardrobe malfunction, he got distracted and was sidetracked. Then when he came to remembering, it was too late in the night and he didn't want to disturb Haeyoung.

He sighed and rubbed the back of his neck feeling frustrated at himself. He grunted angrily at himself and muttered, "JK, why are you so stupid? Regardless you should have just made effort to contact her."

He walked back towards Junho's bedroom and could not hear Junho crying anymore. Haeyoung most likely calmed him down like a great mother she had always been to their son and put him to bed. Jungkook placed his hand on the door knob and sighed deeply to calm his anxious heart. He was afraid to face his angry wife.

After taking a deep breath, he quietly opened the door and found his wife knelt on floor with her head laying on top of her arms, on Junho's bed, fast asleep. When he saw her wet tear streaked cheeks, his heart was in pain. The last thing he ever wanted to do was make his beautiful wife cry.

He quietly walked over to her side and brushed her hair out of her face and gently wiped her cheeks. He sighed and thought, God, I had missed you so much.

As gently as Jungkook could without disturbing her sleep, he picked her up bride style and carried her to their bedroom to lay down her in their bed. He slipped his black shirt off and changed into a pair of black and white plaid pajama pants. He slipped into bed, next to his wife, and pulled her into his arms.

He inhaled the sweet scent of his wife, which he had missed for the past four months. He wished that she would quit her boutique and travel with him when he needs to go away for work. That way he would not have to be far away from her or from Junho for months.

But he knew he couldn't ever ask her to give up something she had accomplished on her own. Her boutique of giving new fashion designers a chance to get their clothing line out for the world to see had picked up and was doing really well. He was proud of her success and the motivation she had to strive to the top.

He tighten his arms around her and gently kissed the top of her head. He allowed his eyes to finally close to a sweet slumber as he thought about how madly in love he was with his wife.


The next morning, Haeyoung felt wet kisses placed all over face. Her eyes fluttered open to find Junho leaning over towards her and was about to place another kiss on her face.

When he saw that his mom was awake, he jumped up and down in her bed as her exclaimed excitedly, "Yay! Appa! Eomma is awake!"

Haeyoung sat up and looked around her. She realized that she was in her bedroom, in her bed that she shared with Jungkook. She couldn't remember how she got into bed. The last thing she remembered was that she was patting Junho softly to help him sleep last night.

"Eomma, wake up. Appa cooked us pancakes," Junho said excitedly. Haeyoung could see the way his eyes lit up whenever talked about his dad.

"He did?"

Junho nodded his head excitedly as his little body swayed side to side. She grinned at how he couldn't contain his excitement of having his dad cook his favorite food for him. She knew he absolutely loved and admired his dad.

She surprisingly pulled him into her arms and laid raspberry kisses on his cheeks. He squealed in delight as he giggled and tried to squirm out of her arms, "Eomma!!"

Haeyoung laughed and finally stopped as she placed Junho on the floor. He ran out of the bedroom as she slowly got out of bed and pulled her hair up into a messy bun.

Before she went to the kitchen, she looked at herself in the mirror as she thought about how furious she felt to see another female sit so close to her husband. Haeyoung couldn't stop wondering if she was the reason Jungkook hadn't contacted them for the last two months.

Haeyoung closed her eyes and sighed deeply to calm her unsteady heart. She didn't want lose faith in her husband. She needed to not act hasty but listen to his explanation.

She opened her eyes and wiped away the tears that stained her cheeks. She took a couple of deep breaths and made her way towards the kitchen.

As she got closer, she could hear a couple of voices bickering back and forth in whispers. It sounded like Jungkook and Jimin. She couldn't figure out what they were arguing about. They were being very vague about the issue at hand.

Jimin's voice could be heard as he hissed angrily at Jungkook, "You need to tell her."

"When I can find the right time to tell her, I will," Jungkook muttered annoyingly.

Haeyoung's stomach twisted with an uneasy feeling. She knew Jimin was keeping something from her last night after he opened the door for her. He wasn't good at being discreet.

"Jungkook, she has the right to know."

"Hyung, you don't think I know that?"

Suddenly Junho saw me coming down from the hall and exclaimed, "Eomma!"

Haeyoung forced a smile on her face as she enter the kitchen and walked towards Junho. Jimin awkwardly smiled and handed her a cup of coffee, "Good morning, Noona."

"Morning and thanks," she said as she grabbed the cup from Jimin.

"Well I hope you don't mind if I take Junho out to his school bus and I can pick him up today," Jimin said with a smile, "I want to spend time with my favorite nephew. Also, I figured that you and Jungkook could spend some time alone today."

Haeyoung saw Jimin and Jungkook shooting each other suspicious glances again. She pretended she didn't see it and replied, "That's great if you want to spend time with Junho, but I'll be at the boutique all day today."

Jungkook sighed disappointedly and asked, "Could you close your boutique today?"

"I have a new client coming in today," Haeyoung answered as she wiped Junho's mouth.

"Could you reschedule it?" Jungkook asked as he placed a plate of pancakes, eggs, and bacon in front of her.

"Well if you had called while you were away and made plans with me, I would have kept my schedule open for you today," Haeyoung replied with an irritated tone of voice.

"Babe, it wasn't like I didn't want contact you," he pleaded desperately, "It was hectic and by the time I wanted to either call or text you, it was too late to disturb you."

"I don't care what time of day it was, Jungkook. Any sort of communication would have better than none at all," Haeyoung sadly as tears brimmed the edges of her eyes, "Do you know how it felt to wait for you to reply back to a text that clearly showed you read it? Or how it felt when a phone call went directly to voicemail? It was as if we weren't important enough in your life."

Junho starts to whimper as he watched his parents argue. Haeyoung's eyes soften as she turned towards Junho. She quickly got up from her chair and headed towards the bedroom.

Jungkook hugged and kissed Junho, "Don't worry, bud. I'll make it up to your mommy."

Jimin sighed, "This is why I keep telling you that you need to tell her."

"I know and I will."

"I'll get Junho ready for school. So go and make up with your wife already."

Jungkook hugged Junho and lightly punched Jimin on the arm, "Thanks Hyung."

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