• Chapter Five •

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The one thing that Jungkook loved about being married to Haeyoung was that he could freely go on dates with her in public. He no longer had to hide his relationship and only have dates with her in their apartment or with the members around to not draw any negativity to their group.

At first the fans had a hard time excepting that they had a child before marriage or that he decided to get married. But as time moved on, those who were faithful to BTS, stayed and continued to show their support. He and Haeyoung both were grateful for their dedication.

Haeyoung's head was laying on his lap after they had settled themselves under a tree in a park to eat their picnic lunch that Jungkook had packed for them. He watched as she slightly smiled. He playfully poked her cheeks and asked curiously, "What are you smiling about?"

Haeyoung opened one eye to look up at him and said, "I was wondering if you made all this or if you paid Jin to make it for you."

He caught her making a witty smirk towards him and quickly moved to hover over her. She squealed and laughed as he pinned her down as she was trying to escape him.

"I made it of course," he said as he leaned in closer, "With Jin hyung's help."

He tickled her as she squirmed around trying to free herself from him as she roared in laughter. He loved listening to her laugh. Her laughter always seemed to bring some sort of calmness to his nerves when he stressed over something.

When he finally stopped tickling her and her laughter subsided, he stared into her soft brown eyes that gave him security. He reached down and brushed her hair away from her face. He tucked a few strands behind her ears, "I love you, Haebae."

"I love you, too, Kookie," she said as she reached up with her hands and cupped his face.

She guided his face down closer to hers and when their lips were inches away, he watched her close her eyes as he lightly brushed his lips against hers. He closed his eyes seconds later when he felt their lips pressed against each other.

He gently nibbled on her bottom lips to part her lips so that he could slip his tongue inside her mouth to deepen their kiss. She softly let out a soft moan as his tongue flicked against hers. She tasted like the strawberry they had just finished eating moments ago.

"Babe, do you want to head back home?" He asked against her lips. He knew if he didn't stop now, he was going to end up taking her here and right now. He needed to feel her so desperately.

Haeyoung let out a shaky sigh and, "Yeah..."

He quickly gave her another quick kiss and stood up. Then he pulled her up as he quickly placed everything back into the picnic basket. After everything was put away and the picnic blanket was folded, he took her hand and intertwined their fingers together as he led them back to the car.

Once they reached the car, he opened the door for her to get in and then he made his way to the trunk to put away the picnic basket. As soon as he closed the trunk of the car, his phone beeped to alert him of a text message. He pulled his phone out from his pocket to read the message.

Love, I want to go on a picnic with you, too...

Jungkook looked up and around him. His heart was racing anxiously. There were so many people roaming around the park as he was trying to catch a familiar face.

"Honey?" Haeyoung called out as she opened the car door, "Are you coming? It's hot in the car."

"Sorry, I'm coming," he said as he quickly placed his phone back into his pocket.

As he slid into the car, Haeyoung observed Jungkook closely. She noticed that his face had gone pale white and his forehead was beading with sweat. She slowly reached to touch his forehead to feel for a temperature, but he jerked his head away from her touch.

She removed her hand away as she felt hurt by his gesture and turned her body away from him to face towards the front. She crossed her arms infront of her body and said dryly, "Okay. I'm sorry. I won't touch you."

When Jungkook realized what he did wrong, he reached over and tugged at her arms to take hold of her hand. When he freed her arms, he brought her hand up to his lips and softly kissed it, "I'm sorry babe. All of a sudden I'm just not feeling the greatest. I didn't mean to jerk away."

Haeyoung pulled her hand away from his grasp without a peek at him and muttered sadly, "It's fine. Let's just go home so you can get some rest."

He heaved a deep sigh of disappointment in himself for ruining their day. Why couldn't he control his emotions and not let it get the best of him? Now his wife is upset with him again after what had happened last night. Why was he such an idiot?

Through the whole car ride, both were silent. Neither of them was brave enough to utter a word to each other. But every few minutes, Jungkook stole a few glances towards Haeyoung. She had head turned towards the passenger side window and grumpily stared out.

He wondered what she was thinking about. Was she too angry at him for him to try and save the night? Will they end the night without another word spoken to each other?

He knew that he didn't want to waste the night away. He needed her by his side to comfort him, to love him, to show him everything will be okay.

"Could you keep your eyes on the road? I want to live so I can see tomorrow," Haeyoung piped up with a monotone voice without looking at him, but he could see a scowl on her face through the reflection from the window.

"Even if I'm part of that tomorrow?" He asked softly, keeping his eyes on the road.

Haeyoung's eyes soften and turned towards him. She could see the uneasiness in his eyes and her heart sunk. She laid her hand on his thigh and gently squeezed it as she said softly, "Of course. What makes you think that I don't want a tomorrow with you?"

He took a hold of her hand that was on his thigh and squeezed it. He shrugged his shoulders and said, "I just worry that one day you might decide you don't love me anymore and want to leave."

"What happened to being joined at the hips for life?"

"I will always want to stay attached to your hips for the rest of my life. But would you want that?"

"Of course, I want the same thing, Honey."

"No matter what happens, what we go through, you'll stay by my side and work through them with me?"

"I didn't say my I do's without considering everything we may possibly face. Jeez, you make it sound like you've had an affair and worry that I would leave," Haeyoung said with a soft laugh as she turned back towards the front of the car.

Jungkook grimaced at the thought and gripped the steering tightly as he could feel his phone vibrating in his pant pocket. He feared to look at the next message being sent to him. He knew he needed to tell her soon before she found out and become upset with him. He knows that she loved him but he didn't know if it was enough to not leave him.

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