• Chapter Twenty Four •

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Lately Haeyoung felt like she had become a crazed woman, who was clingy to Jungkook relentlessly, needing to know where he was going, who he would be with, what he was doing, and when he would be home.

When he didn't come home at the specific time he said he would, she would call him, leave him voicemails demanding him to return her calls. When that didn't work, she would blow up his phone by sending him text messages wanting to know why he was ignoring her.

Every day Jungkook assured her and continuously reassured her, but Haeyoung still had her doubts. It was all thanks to a blocked number, who texted a message to her with a photo of Jungkook and Da-hee eating lunch together at a restuarant nearby his place of work. Alone.

She felt like a fool for thinking that if she openly shared with him about her insecurities, he would keep his words of doing anything to make her happy. But how could he go behind her back and secretly have lunch with her alone after their discussion a month ago in L.A.? How could he expect her to trust him if he couldn't comply to the things that made her feel secured?

She had completely lost her mind and knew she wouldn't become sane as long as Da-hee was still around. She wanted to make herself believe that her husband wouldn't hurt her by cheating on her. But it was too late, Haeyoung had become a mad woman.

Haeyoung stopped doing the things she loved, stopped having the motivation to become something great. She completely stopped going to her boutique, she stopped cooking, stopped taking care of those she loved.

Instead she buried herself in her bed and saw herself as a worthless human being. She withdrew herself from Jungkook, closed off her love for him. She locked herself away from the world as she became fearful of the pain she would feel if her husband ever decided to leave her.

Haeyoung was lost in a whirlwind of questions. How would she be able to move on if he decides to divorce her? What if he took Junho away from her, claiming her to be an unfit mother? Would Junho call Da-hee as his mommy if Jungkook was marry her? Would death be her only escape route?


Ever since coming home from L.A., his wife hadn't been the same.

At first she questioned his whereabouts, constantly called him about when he would be home, and accused him of being unfaithful. He shrugged it off, thinking it was normal since he knew she was feeling insecured and was acting possessive.

So he did his best to ignore his wife's rollercoaster ride of emotions. He wasn't going to let that be the breaking point of their marriage.

But then he became worried when she began to withdraw herself from everything she loved.

Haeyoung stopped going to the boutique and he would find her buried in their bed with the curtains drawn in. She wouldn't talk to him, wouldn't let him touch her or even come near her. And if things couldn't get any worse, she gave up being the loving, nurtured mother to their son, Junho.

Haeyoung had become lifeless like nothing in the world mattered to her anymore. Jungkook could see her spiraling into a deep depression and he knew he needed to do something to help her, to fix their family.

He walked over to her side of the bed and she had their blanket covered over her head. He sighed, "Babe, are you not going to go to the boutique again?"


"Could you at least tell me what is going on?"


"Share with me about what is on your mind. I would like to know."


"Did something happen that I'm not aware of?"

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