• Chapter Twenty Six •

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"What the fuck was that?" Jungkook grumbled as he rubbed his face with his hands.

He was not expecting Da-hee to go from an admirable, respectable individual to a seductive, conniving vixen within minutes. Was that what Haeyoung had been trying to warn him about? The true form that Haeyoung have seen, but he was too blind to notice?

"Did she come back?" Yoongi's voice interrupted his train of thought from the doorway.

"Yeah," Jungkook said as he nodded his head. He was still trying to wrap his head around with what happened.

"So then where is she?" Yoongi asked, looking confused at the empty room.

Jungkook nervously rubbed the back of his neck and bit the inside of cheeks, "Er... well, hyung..."

"I'm waiting, JK," Yoongi said impatiently with his arms crossed in front of his chest, "And I don't have all day."

"Something really weird just happened," Jungkook muttered, feeling unsure how to explain to Yoongi so that he would understand and not think it was all made up.

"JK! I'm still waiting..."

"So I think Da-hee-"

"What about me?" Da-hee's voice interjected from the doorway.

Both men turned towards her voice and found her leaning against the door frame. Yoongi sighed. "Where the hell have you been? I think I have spent more time trying to find you than trying to finish our recording today."

"Sorry I had an important phone call and was in a private room," Da-hee slyly explained to Yoongi, who seemed to take in every word she just spoke of. She quickly winked at Jungkook when Yoongi had his back turned towards her.

Jungkook rolled his eyes at the words that were coming from her mouth. He couldn't stand listening to the lies she kept feeding Yoongi. How many times has she fooled him with her fake persona?

He grabbed his music sheet from the folder and walked towards the recording booth. "Hyung, let's get this done quickly. I want to go home to my family and spend some time with them before we leave on our trip tomorrow."

"That's what I've been wanting to do for the past hour but the two of you kept messing around,"  Yoongi said sounding exasperated as he took a seat in his chair and waited for Jungkook to take his place infront of the microphone for their final recording.

Jungkook took his cellphone out from his sweatshirt pocket and checked to make sure it was on silence. He knew Yoongi would have his head if the sound of his cellphone interrupted their recording. Yoongi was pissed off enough at him as it is. He didn't need any more added stress. It was supposed to be the best the day of his life but instead he was here dealing with Da-hee.

You know you want me just as much as I want you. -Da-hee

Jungkook glanced up as Da-hee flirtatiously winked at him.  He closed his eyes tightly with displeasure and inhaled deeply. He muttered under his breath to keep focus on Haeyoung, Junho, and the baby who growing inside his beautiful wife. He was going to protect his family. He wasn't going to let anyone like Da-hee come in and destroy his family.


"Honey, where are you?" Haeyoung hissed into the phone as she glanced at the clock hanging on the wall.

"I'm sorry, babe. I did not expect there to be so much traffic from the airport to the clinic," Jungkook said apologetic, "I'm about ten minutes away."

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