• Chapter Thirty Two •

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Jungkook anxiously ran into the ER and asked where to find Haeyoung. He had received a call from Wooyoung that he had brought Haeyoung to the emergency care.

He explained that she was experiencing small stomach pain before dinner and had brushed it off as being hungry. But after she ate dinner and was she still suffering consistent stomach pain, Wooyoung decided that it was best to bring her to the ER in Chicago.

Jae Hoon quickly offered Jungkook a ride to the hospital because they were both worried about her well being as well. They couldn't forget how she had lost a baby the first time she suffered stomach pain. Neither didn't want to see her go through it again.

As they entered the hospital, Jungkook began to wonder if there was something stressful that may have caused her health to deteriorate. When they found Wooyoung standing outside her hospital room, Jungkook quickly ran towards him, "Hyung, how is she?"

"She's fine. They said her blood pressure was a little high for the norm and that her body was dehydrated so they're giving her a bag of water through an IV right now," Wooyoung explained.

"Oh thank God," Jae Hoon sighed out with relief.

"Thank you for acting fast on this, Hyung. It means a lot to me," Jungkook said squeezing his shoulder though it bothered him that her blood pressure was up. Maybe he was right about something bothering her.

"Well your wife is stubborn as heck but I had to remind her that you would be able to kick my ass if I didn't do as you told me to do," Wooyoung joked with a mischevious smirk.

Jungkook gave him a confused look and which caused Wooyoung to end up laughing, "Just go in there and see your wife."

Jungkook and Jae Hoon stepped into the room and found Junho cuddled up into Haeyoung's side. He immediately sat up and his face expression changed to relief after seeing him enter the room.

"Daddy!" He cried loudly waking Haeyoung up.

Big tears rolled down his cheeks and he began to whimper. Jungkook quickly went to his side and scooped him up into his arms, "I'm here now. You don't have to worry anymore."

"I was so scared that something was going to happen to Mommy and my baby sister," Junho cried into Jungkook's chest.

"But I'm so proud of you. You did so well being a big boy protecting your mommy and your..." Jungkook's voice trailed off. He glanced at Haeyoung who shrugged at him and back at Junho, "Buddy, did you just say baby sister?"

"Yeah, the nice doctor said I was going to be a big brother to a baby sister," Junho said nodding his head.

"We're going to have a little princess?" He said excitedly as he glanced at Haeyoung.

"Yes, we're going to have a little princess," Haeyoung confirmed as she placed her hands over her belly.

Jungkook jumped up from his chair and twirled around in a circle with Junho squealing in his arms. He turned towards Jae Hoon and shouted happily, "We're having a little girl!"

"I'm going to have a niece!" Jae Hoon exclaimed excitedly as he took Junho into his arms, "Lets go get some ice cream to celebrate!"

"Ice cream!" Junho shouted.

"Hey don't tell the rest of the guys. We want to tell them the news ourselves," Haeyoung shouted after Jae Hoon. He gestured an okay sign with his fingers as he closed the door behind him.

Jungkook walked over to his wife and brushed her hair out of her face, tucking it behind her ears. Jungkook kissed her on the forehead and said softly, "We're having a girl."

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