• Chapter Twenty •

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"Mommy, are we going to go surprise daddy?" Junho asked as they were getting settled on the airplane.

Haeyoung grinned excitedly as she snapped on his seatbelt for him before putting on her own, "Yes, we're going to go surprise your daddy."

"Yay!" He shouted happily as he threw his arms up to celebrate his excitement, "I've missed daddy so much. I can't wait to see him."

"Me, too, baby," Haeyoung said laying a kiss on the top of his head.

Junho turned his attention back to looking outside as he talked excitedly about being on the airplane. He asked a hundred questions about the airplane. She didn't think he would stop jabbering but once the plane took off, his adrenaline wore off and he fell asleep until they reached their destination.

After she gathered up their luggages, she led them towards the exit door of the arrival gates. Once they stepped outside of the gate, Haeyoung noticed that Jae Hoon, her brother, had sent Woohyung, one of the bodyguards, to pick them up.

"Mrs. Jeon," Woohyung greeted her with a wave.

Haeyoung rolled her eyes and groan in displeasure. She shook her hands at him, telling him to stop, "I told you to call me Haeyoung.  You always age me when you call me Mrs. Jeon."

Woohyung chuckled, "My apologies, Haeyoung."

"Much better," Haeyoung said hugging him, "Anyways it's good to see you."

"It's good to see you, too," Woohyung said hugging her back.

"Samchon!" Junho exclaimed as he jumped up and down.

"Hey buddy!" Woohyung said as he bent down to scoop Junho up into his arms for a hug.

"Does my daddy know that I'm here?" Junho asked curiously.

"Of course he doesn't. He does not have a clue that you're here," Woohyung answered.

"Good. Because my mommy and I are trying to surprise my daddy," Junho said, giving Woohyung a serious expression.

"Don't worry, Junho, your secret is safe with me," Woohyung said. He held up his pinky to swear to secrecy with Junho.

Woohyung placed Junho back on the ground and then guided them to the car.

On the way to the beach house, Junho gazed out the window with enthusiasm. His jaw dropped open looking at the high building structures and when they got closer to the beach, he pointed out the palm trees.

"Samchon, are we going to my daddy right now?" Junho asked, not taking his eyes away from the window, afraid he would miss something amazing.

"Of course we are," he answered, glancing back at Junho through the rearview mirror.

As they got closer to the beach house, the more excited Junho became. He bounced up and down in his booster seat as he cried out in awestruck.

"Mommy, look!" He shouted as he pointed at the ocean.

"Isn't the ocean pretty?" Haeyoung asked.

He nodded his head with enthusiasm, "Can we go swimming? Can we? Can we?"

Haeyoung softly laughed and kissed his cheek, "Yes, baby. We'll go swimming after we surprise your daddy."

When they finally pulled up to the beach house, Woohyung helped them out and went to grab their luggages. He glanced up to Haeyoung and grinned widely, "Jungkook and the BTS members should have arrived here already. Also, Jungkook was completely unaware to why they were moved from the hotel to the beach house."

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