• Chapter Sixteen •

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Photo credit: Twitter Acct @goldenstage_jk


[Because it's my birthday! 🎂 Yay! Happy birthday to me! 😘]


Before driving out into the country side where there were no stores close by, they stopped by at a local grocery store to stock up on three days worth of food. After they had picked up what they needed, they drove another thirty minutes to the cabin.

Haeyoung stared out the passenger window  as she began to recognize some familiar areas from the last time they were here. She reminisced about when she was pregnant with Junho at the time but Jungkook was not aware of it at the time. He had thought she was overworked and gotten sick but he still took good care of her. He always took good care of her. Her needs and priority always came first.

"What are you thinking about?" Jungkook asked as he placed his hand on her thigh.

Haeyoung glanced down uncomfortably at his hand and her body tensed. It wasn't that she didn't want to be touched. She wasn't sure if those hands had touched someone else the same way. Jungkook felt it and he immediately removed his hand right away.

"Nothing important," she said as she continued to stare out the window.

"It's beautiful out here, isn't it?" Jungkook commented, trying to make small talk.

"Yeah, my dream is to one day own a place out here. A place where I could run to when I need to find some sort of peace," Haeyoung replied.

"Should we buy the cabin that we are renting? The owner said he was looking to sell it," Jungkook spoke up excitedly, "I think this cabin somehow holds some dear memories for us."

"Don't, Jungkook," Haeyoung replied sternly with her lips clasped tightly.

She didn't want him to make plans or promises if he wasn't planning to stick around. She, herself, didn't know if she would be able to overcome this bump they had met on their married life journey and trust again.

"Babe, we need to talk and get everything cleared up. I need you to let me explain," Jungkook said.

"Could we discuss this later?" Haeyoung asked as she saw the cabin up ahead the road, "I'm kind of beat from all this driving."

Jungkook exhaled exhaustively and replied, "That's fine. We'll talk later but no more excuses to get out of it."

After they pulled up to the cabin and Jungkook placed the car into park, Haeyoung hopped out and let Junho out of his booster. He excitedly ran around the open field in front of the cabin.

"Appa!" Junho shouted excitedly as he hopped up and down. Jungkook chuckled and made his way towards Junho.

Haeyoung leaned her back against the car as she smiled at Jungkook chasing their carefree son and she felt happiness. Pure happiness. Happiness are the things that makes a person smile. This was something in her life that she hoped would never be taken away.

Jungkook scooped up a squealing Junho into his arms and made their way back towards Haeyoung. He blew raspberry kisses on his neck and said, "Let's go help your Eomma unpack so she can get some rest while you and I go out and play."

"Yay!" Junho shouted happily.

Jungkook glanced towards Haeyoung with a smile and winked at her. Haeyoung turned away with no reactions even though her heart was fluttering and her knees felt weak at his playful wink. She quickly opened up the trunk and handed a couple of small light bags to Junho.

Hold My Hands and Happily Ever After ||《Completed》Where stories live. Discover now