• Chapter Thirty Five •

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As Jungkook sat in the airplane on what seemed like one the longest trip home that he has ever taken in his singing career, he could feel the anxiety continuously building up inside him. He nervously bit at his thumb, chewing his nails away. He couldn't sit still as he shook one of his knees up and down. A thousand of horrifying thoughts ran through his muddled mind of who took his wife and son. He silently mumbled a prayer to keep them safe.

When he arrived to the apartment he called home, he hoped that they were found and waiting safely for his arrival. But neither Haeyoung nor Junho was anywhere to be found. Instead he found police officers milling around, looking for clues of who and where they may have been taken.

When Wooyoung spotted Jungkook, he quickly briefed him in on what actions had already been taken. But Jungkook couldn't comprehend a word spoken to him. He felt numb to the world. Like he was in a dream state and he was going to soon wake up from a horrible nightmare.

His worst nightmare had come true and he wasn't going to wake up to find his wife next to him or find his son jumping on his bed. Reality was that he wasn't home to protect his family. They both disappeared and it was all his fault.

The weight of his wife and son taken from him had finally taken its toll on him. The tears he held back since the first phone call from Wooyoung finally came crashing down on him. Jungkook fell down to his knees as he cried.

"Jungkook, be strong. The police are going to find them and bring them home," Jimin said as he wrapped Jungkook into his embrace. Jimin was able to catch a flight with Jungkook while everyone else was coming back on a later flight.

"Hyung, this is all my fault," Jungkook wept in despair as his head fell on Jimin's shoulder, "I should have been here to protect them and I wasn't here."

"None of this is your fault. This could have happened to any of us," Jimin said, pulling Jungkook back and placed his hands on Jungkook's shoulder, giving it a comforting squeeze. Jungkook shook his head. He didn't want to believe what Jimin was saying to him.

"Jungkook, we need you to come here and look at this security camera clip," a police officer said from the kitchen table. He had a laptop opened and was looking through some video footage that taken from outside the apartment door.

"It looked like Haeyoung might have known this person. She was talking to this person for a few minutes before they were forced out the door at gun point," Wooyoung said staring at the laptop, "This person looks familiar. Where have I seen her before?"

The police officer rewound the video clip for Jungkook. He sat down at the table and watched the clip. As the clip played on his mouth went dry, his heart plummeted in confusion, and stomach flip-flopped, making him feel sick.

"Chicago!" Wooyoung shouted. Jungkook turned to look at Wooyoung. He pointed at the screen, "She got on the elevator with us and talked to Haeyoung as if they were the best of friends."


"Se Rin, why are you doing this?" Haeyoung asked as her hands and feet were being binded with some heavy duty zip ties.

"You took what was mine and I want him back," Se Rin answered pointing the gun at Haeyoung and placing her at the edge of the deep end of the pool.

"You know, it doesn't have to be this way. You can have Jungkook. I'll leave the country and I won't tell him where I'm going."

Se Rin's hysterical laugh echoed throughout the pool area. She crouched down next to  Haeyoung and sneered at her. "Do you think that it's that easy? Do you even know how hard it is to win over Jungkook's affection?"

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