• Chapter Fifteen •

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Photo credit: Twitter Acct @headliner_jk


"Eomma! Eomma!"

Haeyoung woke up to Junho shrieking in a high-pitched tone of voice and she felt the mattress move up and down as if someone was jumping on it. Her eyes slowly fluttered open and she groaned in pain.

She pressed her fingers to both sides of her temple in a massaging motion, hoping to ease up the pounding headache. Her whole face ached as if she had gotten sucker punched.

She stretched her body and rolled over to the middle of her bed, where she watched as Junho flopped down to his knees. He leaned his face closer towards her and stared at her with a mischevious smile.

"Eomma! You're awake!" Junho shrieked in a high-pitched tone of voice again.

He excitedly flung his whole body on top of hers, causing her to grunt loudly in pain by the impact. He wrapped his arms around her neck and squeezed his hold tightly as he roughly crashed his lips against her cheeks.

Oh God, why does her whole body ache as if she got hit by a train?

"My baby," Haeyoung muffled, trying endure the pain she felt by his arms that were wrapped around her neck. She hugged him back tightly and nuzzled his neck to get a whiff of his baby shampoo scent.

"Junho, I thought I told you to wake your Eomma up nicely," Jungkook's voice spoke up gently from the bedroom door.

Haeyoung turned her head towards the sound of his voice and found him leaning against the door frame with his arms crossed against his chest. Her heart fluttered at the sexy sight of him with wet ruffled hair while wearing an apron on top of a form fitted gray t-shirt that showed off his strong forearm and bicep and black sweats.

How could he be dressed in something so simple and cause her to melt into a puddle of water?

He grinned from ear to ear and playfully winked at her. But instead she frowned at him as she began to recall her memories from last night.  She felt her heart throb with pain, sadness, and anger all at the same time as these visions from last night continued to flow through until it ended with her at a bar alone.

Did he bring her home from the bar?

She quickly turned away and looked back at Junho. She caught him in a sad pout and he said softly as his bottom lip quivered, "Sorry Eomma."

Haeyoung hugged Junho and said as she brushed her nose with his, "It's okay, baby. Eomma understands that you were probably excited about something and wanted me to wake up quickly."

His frown slowly turned into a smile as he nodded excitedly, "Appa said we were going to go away and go fishing. Appa said I went there when I was still in your tummy."

"Well that will be a nice trip for you and your Appa," Haeyoung said softly.

She couldn't help but felt a little disappointed that Jungkook was already making his decision to draw himself away from her. Maybe some time apart would good for them, make it easier to part from one another.

"Appa said you are going too. He has all of our clothes ready. Appa said we will go when you are done eating the soup he made for you," Junho said as he tugged at her hands, "So come on, Eomma. You have to hurry."

Haeyoung turned her head towards the doorway to confirm what Junho had just mentioned. But Jungkook had already disappeared and went back to whatever he was doing prior to Junho waking her up.

Why does he want her to go on this trip? Shouldn't he bring Da-hee instead? Maybe this was his idea of a good bye trip.

"Hurry Eomma," Junho said urgently as he grabbed and tugged at her hands again.

"Okay, baby," Haeyoung said with a soft chuckle at Junho being overly persistent. He wasn't going to allow her to lay in bed and ponder about what Jungkook's intentions were.

As she rolled over in bed to get up, she noticed the medicine that Jungkook had laid out on the night stand with a glass of water. She heaved a deep sigh of frustration at how he was so attentive towards her.

She couldn't figure out if he was sucking up to her so that she would forgive him. Or if he was doing this so that there would be no hard feelings between them when they go their separate ways.

She popped the headache medicine in her mouth and swallowed it down with some water.

After her shower, she pulled on a large black hoodie over the white tee shirt she was wearing and slipped on a pair of black sweat pants. Then made her way to the kitchen where Jungkook and Junho were already eating breakfast.

Jungkook got up and scooped up a bowl of soup for her as soon as he saw her. He quietly placed it in front of her along with a plate of other items he had cooked for breakfast.

Haeyoung held back tears that were threatening to fall and held her gaze down towards the food. She couldn't handle him being as sweet as he was to her at the moment. She was supposed to be hating on him for cheating on her, not hoping that what happened last night was just a bad dream.

"Thank you," she softly whispered.

"Anything for my babe," he replied, "That soup should be good for your hangover."

She nodded her head and awkwardly ate her breakfast in silence as she listened to Junho talk to Jungkook about the fishing trip. They sounded so excited, she didn't want to ruin their moment together.

"I don't think I should go on this trip," Haeyoung finally spoke up as she continued to stare at her plate. She paused and waited for Jungkook to say something. So when he didn't, she continued, "We probably need to time away from each other."

"Don't be silly. We don't need time away from each other. If anything, we need to have time together as a family. You are going with us," Jungkook said firmly and got up from the table to start cleaning up.

"I just don't-" Haeyoung started.

Jungkook slammed the dishwasher door in frustration causing Haeyoung and Junho to both flinch at the same time. Junho's bottom lips started to quiver and big tears rolled down his cheeks. Haeyoung got up to place him in her lap and comforted him.

Jungkook turned around and his eyes soften at the sight of Junho's head buried against Haeyoung's chest. He sighed disappointly at himself as he walked over to them and knelt on both knees infront of them. He took one of Haeyoung's hands and looked into her eyes.

"Look, I get it. I know I messed up, babe. But I didn't mess up in the way you think I did. Please just give me a chance to explain myself. If by the end of this trip, you still feel we can't resolve our issue, then I will do whatever you want to do."

Haeyoung looked into Jungkook's eyes and she could see the sincerity of his request. But she felt confused to how she felt. She wanted to stay angry, but yet she wanted to continue loving him.

After all that they've been through, was it enough to keep fighting for their marriage, their family, their love? Will she ever be able to trust him?

"Babe," he said softly as he gently squeezed her hand.

She dropped her gaze down to Junho and thought that maybe she could try for her son. She didn't want him to grow up without his father. It wouldn't be fair for him because he didn't do anything wrong to be fought over by both parents.

"Okay," she whispered.

"Thank you, babe," he said as he heaved a sigh of relief as got up to his feet.

He leaned over to give her a kiss on her cheek but she awkwardly moved her head back away from him.

"Sorry, but can we take it one day at a time?" Haeyoung asked looking away from him.

"Yes, I understand," he answered and left the kitchen.

Haeyoung sighed and only hoped she made the right decision.

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