• Chapter Thirty Six •

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"Se Rin! Stop! Please don't do this!" Jungkook desperately pleaded as he looked at the scene across the pool. Se Rin was trying to pry a hysterical screaming Junho away from Haeyoung. But Junho was a fighter and he was fighting for his life to stay with his mom.

Se Rin, who was startled by Jungkook, dropped Junho immediately. She looked towards Jungkook and smiles warmly like she hasn't done anything wrong. Se Rin  looked incoherent to where she was and what she was doing at the moment.

"Baby? How did you find me?"

As Jungkook glanced at Junho, who was crying hysterically and clinging to Haeyoung, his heart beat raged with anger. Who does this to a child? To a woman who is seven months pregnant?

One glance at Se Rin and Jungkook could tell that she wasn't all there. The Se Rin that he knew was no longer the same person. The Se Rin he knew would never do something like this.

He knew that he needed to keep his cool and not drive her over the edge. He slowly approached her and said calmly,"Why don't you untie Haeyoung and let them go? Then you and I can go and get you some help."

Se Rin's smile slowly turned into a scowl as she pointed at herself, "That's where you're wrong, Jungkook. Don't treat me like I'm a crazy person because I'm not. I don't need any help."

She stared down at Haeyoung and Junho and with a wicked smirk, she shoved them into the pool. She pointed the gun towards Jungkook and sneered, "Look what you made me do. Instead of trying to offer me some help, you should have told me that you would run away with me."

Jungkook's face turned wretched as he watched Junho struggle in the pool and Haeyoung trying to kick towards their son. He was desperate to jump into the pool to save them. But Se Rin saw the desperation in his face and continued to point the gun at him. "Don't even think about it."

He was dying every second as he watched his wife and son struggle in the water. He felt like he was stabbed in the heart and the knife was continuously twisting in deeper and deeper. Tears rolled down his face and he fell to his knees as he sobbed, "Okay, you've proven your point. Please let me save them."

Se Rin shook her head. "You know I did all this for you. For us. So we can be together. Don't you want us to be together?"

Every second she talked, it was another second of losing Haeyoung and Junho. He was going to tell her anything she wanted to hear. So he nodded his head in agreement and whispered in despair, "Of course I do. But we can't be together if you get put into prison for murder. So let me help save them. Then we can runaway to be together after we pull them out of the pool."

Se Rin slowly lowered her gun as she watched him slowly rise up to his feet. Suddenly Se Rin was tackled to the floor and Joo-hyuk hollered, "Hurry!"

He looked into the pool towards to the lifeless bodies as he fought with his inner self of who he should save first. They were both his world but a memory of his conversation with Haeyoung during a weekend they spent together as a family at the cabin...

"Jungkook, promise me that if there is ever a day where you had to choose between me and Junho, that you would save our son first," Haeyoung said as she stared at Junho, who was running carefree on the beachfront of the lake.

"Stop talking nonsense," Jungkook grunted in displeasure.

"I'm being serious, Jungkook. Promise me."

"I'm being serious, too. A day like that will never come and I will never have to make such a choice."

He hated that Haeyoung would say something so despicable. He was sicken by the thought of having to choose between the two people who meant the world to him. He couldn't live without either of them.

Haeyoung slipped her hand into his and gently squeezed it. She brought his hand up to her lips and kissed the back of it. She sighed, "I know you don't ever want to think of that type of scenario and you're right, it might never happen. But just make sure you choose our son. He's young and he will have so much in life to live for. So promise me, Jungkook. Promise me that you will save our son first."

Jungkook heaved a deep sigh and pulled her closer to him. He wrapped his arms around her and held her tightly against his chest.

"You're crazy for thinking about this kind of stuff but okay... I promise you that I will save our Junho first."

"Jungkook!" Joo-hyuk's voice snapped him out of this thoughts. "What are you waiting for?"

Jungkook moved closer to the edge of the pool. He took a deep breath and exhale. Even though his wife made him promise to save their son first, there was no way he was going to lose her. What was life without her? She was his world. She brought light to him. She filled him up with love. He would have none of that if she wasn't living in this life with him.

He took another deep breath and dived into the pool. He swam towards his wife, who was the love of his life and his forever. He simply didn't want to live without her and it broke his heart when he swam passed her. He wanted to keep his promise to his wife as he swam towards Junho. She would have hated him and called him selfish if she lived while their son passed away. She would have never forgiven him and then he would still be alone.

But just because he was swimming passed to save their son, it didn't mean he was going to give up on her. He knew that once Junho was alive and breathing, he would jump back in and do whatever he could do to save Haeyoung. He meant every word when he said that she was his forever. He was going to make sure that they grew old together and die together when they had gray hair and their skins were soft and wrinkly.

His heart was pumping rapidly when he reached Junho. He grabbed a hold on him and swam back to surface. He pushed a lifeless Junho out of the pool and climbed out. He could feel his adrenaline rush through his blood as he knelt beside Junho and performed CPR until the paramedics rushed in to take over.

Within the chaos, he watched a couple of emergency responders jump in and pulled Haeyoung out of the pool. They placed her on the stretcher and rushed passed him with Haeyoung. He heard one of the emergency responders talking into his walkie-talkie, "Female. Thirties. Pregnant. Unresponsive."

"I'll go with her," Joo-hyuk said to Jungkook.

He nodded his head in response as he stared at Haeyoung. She wasn't moving. She was lifeless. Was the baby okay? Was he was going to lose both of them? Was he going to lose his whole family? His heart was numb to the pain that twisted viciously inside.

Then a ray of hope shine down on him and a miracle happened before him. He heard Junho cough and inhaled a deep breath. Then a cry escaped his small innocent lips, a cry that Jungkook thought he would never hear again. Jungkook looked back down towards Junho and quickly gathered his son into his arms. He let out low cry as he held Junho tightly in his arms.

One of the emergency responders looked Juhno over and then said to Jungkook, "He looks to be okay, but it's best to take him to the hospital and get a more thorough look. Why don't you get on the stretcher with him?"

"Okay," Jungkook said with a nod. He gave Junho another hug and reassured him that he was safe. He lifted Junho up and climbed on the stretcher. He placed Junho on his lap and covered them up with a blanket.

"Jungkook!" Se Rin shouted desperately as they were wheeled passed her. The police were handcuffing her and reading her rights. Tears were falling from her eyes as she pleaded with him, "Jungkook, tell them that they made a mistake."

He shook his head and ignored her as he brought Junho closer into his chest. Junho silently cried and clung on to him tightly. He kissed Junho on the top of his head, "I love you so much, buddy. Thank you for coming back to me."

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