• Chapter Twenty Five •

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"Congratulations, Mr and Mrs. Jeon!" Doctor Kim said enthusiastically as she shook Jungkook's hand, "You two are going to be parents again."

"What?!?!" Haeyoung and Jungkook both exclaimed in unison as they shockingly looked at each other.

Doctor Kim frowned with her arms crossed. "Please don't tell me this was unplanned again."

Jungkook laughed happily as he excitedly planted a kiss on Haeyoung's cheeks and squeezed her around the shoulder with his arm, "Of course not. We were planning a little second one, but we're just surprised that it happened so quickly."

"Whew, thank goodness," Doctor Kim joked as she pretended to wipe away sweat from her forehead.

"How far long do you think I am?" Haeyoung asked curious about when the baby would have been conceived.

"Well from what you've told me, I believe you're about two months, going into your third," Doctor Kim explained, "But we can schedule an ultrasound appointment for next month to determine your due date, then we'll know for sure."

Damn L.A. Damn beach house, she silently muttered in her head as she realized it was the same place where Junho was conceived.

Haeyoung nodded her head as she felt Jungkook squeeze her hand. She turned her head to look at him and he looked so ecstatic. He was practically dancing in the chair he was sitting next to her.

Doctor Kim wrote the date and time of their next appointment on a piece of paper and handed it to Jungkook. Then before they left her office, she also suggested for Haeyoung to pick up some parental vitamins at the pharmacy.

"I will see the both of you next month," Doctor Kim said shaking their hands, "Again, congratulations to the both of you."

"Thank you," they both replied as they left her office.

As they walked towards the parking lot structure, Jungkook couldn't stop talking non-stop about her being pregnant again. She could see the euphoric glow in his face as he placed his hand on her back and carefully leading her back to their car. He was as gentle as he could, treating her with utmost tender care.

She was happy for this baby and wanted so much to prance around with her heart soaring into sky. But there was a negative aura that consumed her whole mind, body, and soul into a whirlwind of uneasiness amd nervousness with this pregnancy.

She knew how tight Jungkook's schedule was for the next seven months. She didn't like the idea that she was going to end up going through another pregnancy alone. Again. 

Who is going to be there for when she needed him three or four months from now when he was away for work? Or what if she went into early labor while he was in another country?

At least when she was pregnant with Junho, she had Doojoon's mom to help her and she couldn't imagine them asking her mother-in-law for help. Haeyoung didn't have a good relationship with her. She only stayed civilized with her mother-in-law for Junho's sake so that their son would have a relationship with his grandparents.

As he opened the car door and helped assist her on securing the seatbelt, his eyes met hers when he was sliding back out the door. As if he could sense her uneasiness, he cupped her face with his hands and gaze into her eyes, "Everything is going to be different things time."

She forced a weak smile upon her face to assure him that she was fine, even though she really wasn't fine. He tenderly kissed her lips and then closed the car door as he made his around to the driver's side.

When he sat in the car, he turned towards her and interlaced their fingers together. He brought her hand up to his lips and lightly kissed her knuckles. His eyes were full of love and devotion, "I know you're worried but I'm definitely going to make sure that I'm here for every appointment you go to."

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