• Chapter Eighteen •

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A couple of days ago, the family of three had just returned from their trip that helped Haeyoung and Jungkook clear up some misunderstandings and made some fun filled memories as a family.

But now Haeyoung was standing in the lobby of the apartment complex watching Jungkook give Junho hugs and kisses as he bid him good bye for a month long trip to Los Angeles for their official US debut.

Haeyoung felt her heart wrench in sadness watching Junho cling tightly to his father. She was aware that Junho knew that Jungkook had to go on long trips because of work but she understood the empty feeling that she sees in Junho's eyes after Jungkook leaves.

It was starting to get harder and harder to watch him part from the family for long periods of time. Some days she wanted to drop everything and follow Jungkook on these trips. She knew life was too short and wanted to spend every minute, every second of her life with him.

Junho snuggled into his dad's embrace, unwilling to let go, "Daddy, will you be back for my birthday?"

"Of course I will be, buddy," Jungkook answered, tightening his hug on Junho.

"Will you call me every night and sing to me sleep?" Junho asked with a pout.

"I will do my best to call you every night and if I can't, I will make sure to send your mommy a message to share with you. It won't be like the last time that I was gone," Jungkook said with a comforting smile.

"Ok, daddy," Junho replied looking satisfied as he lets go of his hold that was wrapped tightly around Jungkook's neck.

"And do you remember your promise to me?" Jungkook asked as he lets go of his hold around Junho.

"Yes, daddy, I remember," he answered with a knowingly smile.

"Good," Jungkook said as him and Junho fist bumped each other.

"What promise?" Haeyoung asked with curiousity.

"It's a secret between us boys," Jungkook answered playfully as he stood up and winked at Junho.

"Not fair. I'm outnumbered," Haeyoung pouted with her hands on her hips.

Jungkook wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her hard against his body causing her breath to hitch. He leaned in towards her ear and whispered, "Well, you know, if you feel that it's unfair, we can always try for a little girl to even it out."

Haeyoung had always thought that they would wait to have another little one. It was hard enough to juggle Junho on her own when Jungkook had a busy schedule and she could never imagine asking him to stop being a singer.

But lately Jungkook had enticed her enough to not wanting to wait anymore. He constantly made her heart flutter at the thought of another little one running around. She figured that she could probably hire a full-time nanny.

"Hey lovebirds!" Namjoon interrupted them from the door heading to the garage. They both turned towards him as he motioned with his head, "We got to go or we'll miss our flight."

"Coming, hyung!" Jungkook answered back. He turned back towards Haeyoung and quickly kissed her on the lips, "We can continue this conversation when I return."

"Ok," Haeyoung said sadly as her and Junho walked Jungkook to the garage where the van was waiting for him.

Before Haeyoung unhooked herself from Jungkook's arm, he gave her another kiss and then bent down to hug Junho one more time. Then they watched Jungkook slowly walked towards the van.

Her heart felt unsettled that he wanted to wait until he returned to continue the discussion of having another baby, but she didn't want to wait. There was a possibility they both may forget and it would go unfinished. She wanted him to know before he left so that he would have something to look forward to coming home.

"Honey!" Haeyoung shouted after him.

Jungkook stopped and turned around to face her. Haeyoung mischeviously smiled at Jungkook and ran towards him. He opened his arms as he waited for her like he was already expecting it. She jumped into his arms and he lifted her up as she wrapped her legs around his waist.

"Well I guess it's going to be a long, slow month for the both of us," Haeyoung said leaning her forehead against his.

"What do you mean?" Jungkook asked, eyes filled with hope.

"Let's try for another little one when you return," Haeyoung said as she cupped his face with her hands.

"Really, babe? You want to try for another little one?" He asked looking at her and searching her face for confirmation.

Haeyoung nodded her head with a big, loving smile, "Yes, really. I want to have another baby with you."

Jungkook grinned as Haeyoung leaned in to press her lips on his. They were lost in their own world until they heard the BTS members jokingly grumbling from behind them about how they don't have time for them to be lovey dovey. Then there was Junho who began tugging at his dad's shirt, trying to get Jungkook's attention.

"Appa, let go of my mommy," Junho growled impatiently and then started to jump up and down shouting, "My turn! My turn!"

The two of them to laugh wholeheartedly as Jungkook lets go Haeyoung and she slid down his body. Jungkook laid a kiss on her forehead, "I'll call you when we arrive to L.A."

"Okay," she answered with a nod.

Jungkook turned towards Junho and said, "Okay, buddy. One last hug."

Junho took a few steps back away from Jungkook which confused them. But all of sudden he charged towards Jungkook mimicking what Haeyoung had done earlier. Jungkook lightly chuckled and opened his arms waiting for Junho.

Haeyoung giggled as she watched Jungkook lift their son up into his arms and twirled him around. Junho squealed with delight urging his dad to continue. Finally Jungkook placed Junho on the ground and walked towards the van.

Before climbing into the van, Jungkook turned to look at her and Junho one more time. Haeyoung blew him a kiss and Jungkook pretended to catch her kiss to place it in his pocket. He winked at her while Junho shouted his good byes and waved to his father and his uncles.

Haeyoung's heart ached as she watched Jungkook climb into the van and watched Yoongi close the door. She knew he was only going to be gone for a month, but it was long enough for it to feel like a lifetime.

After the van disappeared from the garage, she felt Junho tug her hand, "Come on, mommy. I don't want to miss the school bus. I want to see Yerin at school today."

Haeyoung couldn't help but lightly laugh at Junho and how quickly Yerin had distracted Junho from the fact that his dad was going to be gone for a month.

"Okay, baby, let's head to the bus stop," Haeyoung replied as Junho slipped his hand into hers.

Junho started jabbering excitedly about Yerin, when Haeyoung looked up, she noticed Da-hee was standing a few feet away with her eyes fixed on them intensively. She didn't know how long Da-hee was standing there watching them but it was enough to make the hair at the back of her neck stand on ends.

Haeyoung pushed away her negative thoughts of how she once thought Jungkook was cheating on her with Da-hee. Instead she flashed a warm smile to acknowledge her presence but Da-hee was staring straight through her. It gave Haeyoung a cold, eerie feeling like something didn't seem right and it made her decide to quickly scurry them out of the apartment complex garage.

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