Chapter 10: Guilt trip

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3rd Person POV

The news have spread to the Monster Kingdom, claiming that Chara attacked the Heartfelt Kingdom and killed half of their guards. The monsters can't believe what they are hearing. How could their princess kill half of their guards? So, the monsters thought that it was fake news, spread so the princess could be executed without any remorse. This made the monsters angry. Their Royal Guard, ready for war. The Sentries, ready to report. The Robot, ready to destroy. After all of that, clearly Alexander wants Chara and the entire Monster Kingdom dead. Now, the Royal Family. The only ones who aren't ready for war. Except Asgore. Currently, Asriel is apologizing to Chara, even if he knows she can't hear him. Alphys is trying her best to heal Chara. Toriel and Frisk are crying. Flowey is apologizing too, but outside of the window.

Chara's POV

I see a strangely bright light. But I highly doubt it's the thing that people always tell you. That it's 'The Light' or something like that. And I can tell that it isn't 'The Light' because I can hear someone talking... Wait, it's Asriel's voice... And he's apologizing to me about our argument... I run towards the light as fast as I can but I fall down. A vine has grabbed me by the leg. More vines are approaching me. I try to crawl towards the light but the vines are dragging back the way I came from. "Let me GO!" I yelled. But the vines kept dragging me. I was trying my best to reach this light but the vines were strong. "I DON'T WANT TO GO BACK TO THAT BLACK AND WHITE VOID!" I yelled. I keep yelling things just to see if the vines would react differently. Nothing. I start tearing up. "Please... I want to see them again..." I say while crying. And then, white.

Asriel's POV

"Chara, I'm sorry about our argument, I'm sorry about that time I took an extra slice of pie and blamed it on you, I'm sorry for everything." I said, crying. Why am I sitting here, wasting my breath on a lifeless body, you might be asking. Well, Alphys reported slight movement coming from Chara and we believe that she's still here. Maybe she can hear me after all. I can tell that mom and Frisk can't wait anymore. All of us want Chara to suddenly just come back to life. But, we all know that's impossible. Alphys just told us to leave so, I guess this is goodbye, Chara. And with that, we left the room.

When we returned to the Castle, nobody said a thing. It was as if everyone died. That's how important Chara was. She was our hope. But now, she's gone. I return to my room and I start looking through our drawings. Chara used to draw flowers and us and I used to draw the 'God of Hyperdeath'. Chara really found him funny. I look at the camera sitting on my desk. I completely forgot that Alphys made that for us with metal and magic. I look at the pictures that me and Chara took. Mom clearly put them in a book and wrote our age under each picture.

The first one, 'Chara, aged 9 and Asriel, aged 8'. The Golden flower field. The one that the humans later destroyed in order to expand. The second picture, 'Chara, aged 11 and Asriel, aged 10'. There are some huge gaps in between photos. I guess mom didn't find all of the photos. This is the hill where we went on a picnic. Right now, that hill is also gone. King Garfield's statue has replaced the tree at the top. Stone has replaced the hill. And the third one, 'Chara, aged 18, Asriel, aged 17 and Frisk, aged 19'. How nice of mom to include Frisk in one of our family photos. Chara looks so happy in this photo... What happened to her..? I close the picture book and put it on Chara's bookshelf, since I took it from there about a year ago. Chara's room. The flowers on her desk and window have withered away. Chara really cared about those flowers. I return to my room and think about the next day.

(What a nice way to reveal your characters' ages. Also, Alexander and Frisk are the same age so...)

((This is the biggest chapter I've written until now. Maybe in the future, I'll make an even bigger chapter. This chapter is 766 words big, if you include my talking and the POV changes.))

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