Chapter 12: Training in progress!

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3rd Person POV

Today was a nice day. Birds are singing... Flowers are blooming... Undyne just broke down the door... wait. "WAKE UP, SLEEPYHEADS! WE ARE GOING TO TRAIN TODAY!" Undyne yelled. Meanwhile, Chara was scared and Frisk had fallen off the bed. Undyne grabbed Frisk and Chara and dragged them outside. Asriel and Toriel were waiting. "W-what the hell..." Chara said, not caring that her mother is right there. "IF YOU WANT TO HEAL FASTER, YOU GOTTA TRAIN!" Undyne yelled. Does she ever not yell? "We are going to start with offence, then defense and then end with magic!" Undyne said, this time not yelling. Oh.

"Asriel, you go first!" Undyne said. Asriel and Undyne were ready to spar. Meanwhile, Chara looked at her bandages. 'I'll take them off soon.' She thought. "Frisk, you're next!" Undyne called. Then Frisk and Undyne started sparring. Chara is going to regret this. "You're good, punk!" Undyne congratulates Frisk. "Thank you." Frisk replied. 'And I was close to finishing this book about a guy with scars... Left it at the part where he gets a spear and saves his loved one. I need to get the sequel.' Chara made a few mental notes. "Chara, you're next!" Undyne called. Chara wasn't ready at all. Undyne quickly made a few fake hits and Chara was defeated. "You really need to train, punk." Undyne noted.

Next, defense. Chara was much better at this but Asriel failed. Frisk was in the middle, like before. Undyne really knows how to surprise you. And next, was Chara's favorite part. Magic.

Instead of taking turns, everyone could go at the same time. At first, they had to summon their weapon. Asriel summoned a sword, Chara summoned a knife and, sadly, Frisk summoned a stick. "A stick..? Really?" Frisk questioned. "Do not worry, my child. You are still a beginner. It will probably change when you have better control over your magic." Toriel told him. After that, they had to try and summon something. Asriel summoned a fire-ball, Frisk summoned... nothing... and Chara summoned a floating knife but it shattered within seconds. Even Toriel found that weird. The last thing they had to do is summon their so-called 'special attack'. Asriel summoned the Hyper Goner, Frisk summoned the RESET button, which scared everyone, and Chara... Chara was having some difficulties. "Relax and focus, my child." Toriel said. "Relax..." Chara repeated. Then, a lot of red vines showed up.

As soon as Chara opened her eyes, it was as if her vision suddenly changed. She saw that she was still a black outline in a black and white void and that the red vines were trying to drag her back into that void. "NO! I DON'T WANT TO GO BACK THERE! PLEASE DON'T DRAG ME BACK THERE!!" Chara yelled, while crying. To everyone else, it was as if Chara went insane. Frisk tried to make her snap out of it but the vines were strong. "...C....!" Chara heard. "....Ch.....r....!" It seemed to be getting louder. "....CHARA...!" She heard and returned to the real world. Chara curled into a ball, crying. "No, no, no, no, no, please don't let them take me back there, please don't let them take me back there!" She said, scared. Frisk hugged her. "Chara, I... no... WE won't let anything do any harm to you. We'll protect you." Frisk told her.

That day started with simple training and ended with nightmares.

(My classmates today told me that I'm 'a satanic bitch' and that I should 'stop drawing Satan'. Sometimes, I wish they really knew what I was drawing.)

((Yay, we passed the 420 views mark.))

(((Revisions just saved my life because the entire chapter was deleted while I was still writing.)))

(Chapter: 633 words w/ the POV change and my talking.)

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