Chapter 32: Christmas time!

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(I promised to update twice for 2-3 days, so here you go.)

It's Christmas eve.

Everyone is asleep.

Except for a cinnamon roll.

He's eagerly waiting for Christmas, like any kid his age would. It was 11:50 PM. He had been lying in his bed for almost 3 hours now, without attempting to sleep.

That's not a healthy thing to do, Kai.

But, he fell asleep before the clock could hit 12:00 AM.

So, the next day...

"Mom! Dad! Get up, it's Christmas!!" Kai yelled, trying to leap onto their bed, but failing. Chara, as soon as she heard the word 'Mom', started silently crying in her pillow. The memories. Chara will never be able to get over those memories. It has scarred her for life. Frisk was still sleeping. I guess he's a heavy sleeper. "Get! Up! Come on!" Kai said, while jumping on their bed. Eventually, Kai fell on Frisk, waking him up. "Dad! It's Christmas! Help me wake up mom!" Kai said, certain that Chara was asleep and couldn't hear him. "...alright, alright. Just go to the living room and we will meet you there..." Frisk said, then Kai left.

"Hey..." Frisk said, slightly shaking Chara. The only response he got were a few sniffles. "Chara, are you...crying?" Frisk asked very calmly. Chara just nodded. 'But why is she... Oh wait! I know!' Frisk thought (Chara did tell Frisk her side of the adventure/torture.) . "It's okay, Chara. Those days are gone. He is gone, and nobody will harm us again." Frisk reassured Chara and gave her a hug. The black tears on her pillow disappeared into nothing. "Now, we'll be in the living room, waiting for you." Frisk said, gave Chara a kiss on her cheek, and then went to the living room.

[In the living room...]

"Dad, where's the gift I asked for?" Kai asked. Frisk blushed, remembering what Kai wanted. "W-Well, w-we tried our best and we couldn't get you it...? So, we g-got you something else!" Frisk said, trying to avoid any more questions, but failing. "Aww man, the stork didn't come..." Kai said, disappointed.

Frisk decided to not tell Kai where babies actually come from.

"W-Well, aren't you going to see your gifts?" Frisk asked. "Oh, I almost forgot! Thanks, dad!" Kai said, then ran off to see his gifts. "So, what happened?" Chara asked as she walked in the room. "He's too innocent for this world." Frisk replied. "Is that a good thing or a bad thing, because you're making it sound like a bad thing." Chara said. "No, no, it's a very good thing." Frisk said. Kai then tried to give them a bear hug. "Thank you so much for the gifts!" Kai said, happy. 'I guess my sweater idea worked.' Chara thought. "I'm gonna wear this every day for the rest of my life!" Kai said, then ran off to go wear it. 'No, you won't...' Chara thought, again. When Kai returned to the living room, Frisk was surprised.

Kai was wearing a carbon copy of Frisk's old sweater, colored exactly the same. The classic blue with 2 magenta stripes. And with the brown shorts and pants that Frisk got him, Kai literally looked like a miniature Frisk but half pure black, half pure white and with messier hair. Chara was just smiling at the sight. Frisk had no idea that Chara's gift was a carbon copy of his old sweater. She even made the copy herself. "I love it so much! It's so warm and soft! Thank you!" Kai said, truthfully feeling happy. "I'm glad that you like it, Kai." Chara said.

[A few hours later...]

"So, Frisk, I also got you something..." Chara said. "I got you something too, but I think it won't be good enough." Frisk said, disappointed. "You simply being here is the best gift I could ever receive." Chara said, then kissed him on the cheek. "W-Well, h-here!" Frisk said with a stutter, and gave Chara his gift. A new heart locket. Inside of it, there was a picture of the complete Dreemurr family, including Frisk and Kai. There was a note in the other side. Chara picked it up and read it.

Dear Chara,

Remember, I will always stay by your side. No matter what you do.

I will always be with you, even if you can't see me.

I will always love you, even if you start to hate me.

Do you remember our childhood? And that promise that we made each other?

"We'll always be together forever", right?

Never forget that...

I love you.


The note really warmed Chara's heart. It clearly showed that his love wasn't fake. That he didn't love her only and only because she's royalty. She shed a few tears of happiness. Frisk felt bad for making her cry but Chara explained why she was crying. Now, it was Chara's turn to give her gift. It wasn't as sweet as the note and the locket, but it was warm and comfy. A new sweater for Frisk. It had a pretty simple design. It was purple, with the Delta Rune sewn on the front.

Finally, something other than that torn-apart blue shirt he has.

They thanked each other for the amazing gifts, and went to the Castle to celebrate this holiday with the Dreemurrs.

(This chapter is long.)

((I want them to be happy.))

(((Originally, the sweater was going to say 'Mr. Husband Guy' but they aren't married, so...)))

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