Chapter 28: The war's beginning

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Frisk's POV (Long time no see, huh?)

Everyone is starting to believe that Chara lied. But why would she lie about something so dangerous? Everyone seems to be getting tired of waiting around... Chara seems disappointed. "Dad, did mom lie?" Kai whispered so Chara couldn't hear. "No, Kai, she didn't. The others just lost their faith in her." I answered. Chara seemed to had given up and was going home but then...

The first shot was fired.

3rd Person POV

Hundreds of monsters were hit and thousands were panicking. The Royal Guard, along with Asgore, Chara, Frisk and Kai, went for an attack. There he was. That smug asshole, Alexander, standing in front of the Monster Banisher. And Etho was there too, wishing that he could do something to stop his father. Frisk was saving his file every 5 minutes.

Blood and dust were spilt everywhere. Frisk and Kai hated seeing this, but they would be forced to see this anyways. Chara was dependent on melee, while Frisk and Kai were dependent on ranged attacks. Even if Chara was dependent on melee, she barely got injured.

That's an achievement for her, since she's the one that keeps getting tortured, killed, etc.

Alexander also tried to fight her but in the end, she slashed across his chest with her knife and he ran away. The rest of the Heartfelt guards left with Alexander to their nearby camp. Chara and the others returned to their kingdom in order to get ready for the second attack.

"Oh man, that was so cool and gore-y at the same time..." Kai said. "I'm sorry that you had to see all of that." Chara said, her hands covered in blood. "No, no, it's okay... I would've eventually seen something like that anyways..!" Kai said, trying to lift up the mood. Chara just sighed. I guess Kai failed. Frisk then entered the camp.

Frisk approached Chara and hugged her from behind. "Trust us, it's okay..." Frisk said, as if he was able to hear the conversation from that far away. Chara just leaned back on him without saying anything. At least Frisk brought a towel so Chara could clean her hands of the blood. "Thank you." Chara said, then cleaned her hands.

[Meanwhile, in the other camp...]

"Argh, no! It hurts! Stop it!" Alexander said. "Sir. Sir. I'm just trying to patch up your wound." Flora said. "Then stop hurting me!" Alexander said. "I can't if you keep moving." Flora said. "That bitch... Doesn't she know that there will be consequences for what she did?" Alexander mumbled under his breath. "Father, are you okay?" Etho asked. "I'm fine, Etho. Flora is trying to patch up my wound." Alexander said. After hearing that, Etho left the camp and went to the monsters' camp.

"Hello, Kai.." Etho said. "Hi Etho!" Kai replied. "How are you so happy? We are in the middle of a war and my father is trying to kill everyone..." Etho asked. "Well, I'm happy because I know that my best friend and my family is alive and well!" Kai answered. "Come on, they'll be happy to see you!" Kai said, then dragged Etho into one of the tents.

"H-Hello, Ms. Dreemurr...." Etho said. "Etho, you can just call me Chara and are you okay? You seem really nervous." Chara said. Frisk and Kai decided to not intervene. "I-I thought you would be mad at me b-because of my f-father..." Etho admitted. Chara would have gotten up right now but she was too comfortable in Frisk's embrace. "Etho, we're not mad at you. We're only mad at your father. He has done a lot of horrible things in the past." Chara said. "T-Thank you." "No need to thank us, Etho. Now go, before your father finds out.".

And with that, Etho left for the Heartfelt Kingdom's camp.

(I'm starting to think that the only good people from the Heartfelt Kingdom are Frisk, Kai and Etho.)

((Tell me if I made any mistakes or worded something completely wrong.))

(((Tomorrow, I'm writing the first subject, which is Math. Wish me luck, because I suck at Math.)))

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