41. Watchful Eyes

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Bittersweet Notions Of Forever

Chapter 41: Watchful Eyes

A strong pair of arms had a tight grip around your waist. His chest felt warm, cozy, yet hard and rough.

You inhaled deeply, taking in his manly scent that lingered in the air around you, as your eyelashes slowly lifted. You tried to wake up, but your body felt too tired. You breathed deeply, running your hands up his chest. You felt his heartbeat under your warm palm and you froze.

You pulled back and stared out with wide eyes once you realized that he was laying right in front of you. He was in his clothes from last night. His eyes were closed, his lips were slightly parted, and he let out soft and yet deep breaths.

Your heart pounded at the sight of him sleeping and even next to you. You woke up in his embrace, and you didn't know which one of you hugged first, was it you?

Your cheeks burned, wondering if you had hugged him in your sleep. This kind of intimacy, and care was unfamiliar to you.

If it was him, you didn't know just how to react or accept it. It didn't quite feel like him. Was he a hugger or not? Did he like cuddling? You wondered.

You wanted to know that so deeply, as a part of you wanted to feel him in that sense. How badly, you just wanted to lean into him again, hug him and feel that warmness you just felt.

You furrowed your brows as you pondered about it. You sighed deeply and you looked back at him. His soft black locks fell over his forehead, and into his eyes. He scrunched his nose and you could tell that the locks tickled him. He looked so sweet, and almost so angelic. A small and giddy smile surfaced on your face.

You grinned to yourself, and slowly found yourself moving back towards him. Your heart began to race faster as you got closer to him. His face was scrunched, and he let out a deep breath.

You finally faced him, and your heart raced as you were just a few millimeters away from him. You were so close to him that you could smell his strong and manly scent, and feel the heat radiating from his body.

You heaved a deep sigh. He looked incredibly handsome, attractive and yet there was a cuteness over him, when he was sleeping.

Carefully and slowly you moved your fingers through his hair, pulling it away from his eyes. You didn't want to risk waking him up from his sleep. He just looked so cute.

You had no idea about what time he came home, hence you wanted him to get some sleep. He furrowed his brows suddenly, and you froze with your hand in his hair.

"Keep doing that." He mumbled tiredly.

Your eyes widened and you stared at his eyes, which were still closed. "Huh?" You gasped.

He sighed deeply, and suddenly grabbed your hand, and his eyes slowly opened. He looked into your eyes with a droopy gaze, and he met your surprised look.

"It feels nice, when you play with my hair, sweet pea." He said in a tired husky, and yet so sexy morning voice.

You had to keep in your groan. He sounded extremely hot and your heart pounded deeply. You wanted to touch him, and he just gave you his cue to do so.

You leaned further into him. He hummed, when you finally ran your hands slowly through his hair, playing with it.

He sighed deeply, still half-awake. He soothed at your gentle touch, and how you caressed his hair.

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