80. Starboy & Stargirl

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Bittersweet Notions Of Forever

Chapter 80

Starboy & Stargirl

You had expected that he would take you to the house of the maid who was taking care of your cat, but you were driving in the direction to your house. He drove home instead.

You gazed towards him with a puzzled look as you approached your house, and his gaze was on the road. You furrowed your brows in confusion.

"Why are we home? I thought we were going to bring the cat home." You said.

Soo Hyuk opened the door and got out of the car. Then he walked to your side, opened your door, and helped you out quickly. Your eyes flickered up to his.

"We will get the cat home, don't worry. It is in safe hands." He finally said.

He strode up to the house, and you followed him. Your head was filled with questions. Why didn't you get the cat home? Why did the party end so soon? Why was he rushing?

Soo Hyuk quickly typed the password, the door opened, and he ushered up the stairs. He was in such a hurry.

You hadn't never seen him run. You watched his tall frame disappear from your sight in the blink of an eye.

"Soo Hyuk?" You called out.

This man is acting so different this day. What has gotten into his head? Did he get the wrong foot out of the bed?

You hurried up, and he was already inside the bedroom, and you followed him. He was in a rush somehow.

"Soo Hyuk, what are you doing?" You asked.

"Get changed." He said.

You stopped at the door to the walk-in-closet and gazed at his face. Then your eyes wandered down, when he lifted his blouse and pulled it over his head, revealing his defined abs. For a second, your eyes froze at his biceps and you watched how his muscles flexed at his fast movements.

You gulped hard, and he undid his belt, opened it, and dragged his zipper down. You remained still, staring at him.

His eyes flickered out to you, and your eyes traveled down his body, stopping at his hard and toned thighs, when his pants fell to his ankles.

"C'mon, get dressed into something casual." He ordered.

You began to walk up to him. He opened his drawer and pulled out a pair of jeans. You stopped in front of him and he was pulling his jeans up his thighs.

You folded your arms over your chest, narrowed your eyes and looked at him intently. "What is happening?" You finally asked, and he turned to look at you.

"I told you that I have a surprise planned out, now get out of that dress before I rip it off from you." His tone was low, demanding, and deep.

You stared at him, now dumfounded at his latter comment, but you felt a sudden rush of excitement as you imagined that. You would like that to happen.

Soo Hyuk took a step closer to you, closing the gap between you, whilst you were still stuck in your little reverie.

He looked at your face, but you stared off. Then he grabbed the straps of your dress and drew it down, hurriedly, revealing your upper body and your bra.

Your face instantly heated up, when realization hit you, and you quickly pulled your dress up to cover your bra. You were supposed to wait with showing him your new lingerie piece.

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