43. Torn (part 1/2)

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Bittersweet Notions Of Forever

Chapter 43: Torn (part 1/2)

The office was dark, the wallpaper was in a dark shade and matte grey and black. Anyone could be swallowed up in the darkness of this room. The classic sound was being played, the sound was rather loud and the beat increased turning from melancholic to dramatic.

The ceiling was made of dark oak, and there was one lamp on the ceiling. The light was dimmed. The office desk was black metal with glass, that enhanced the rather dark place.

There were no colors in this room, the black in that room was not a color. It was nothing but a void, a shade.

The darkness of the room caused the temperature to drop a few degrees. No one entered this office unless sent and requested for.

This dark room beheld secrets which no one knew of, but its owner. There were no plants, nothing that indicated brightness, life and joy. Here was only darkness, no light, no family pictures on the wall, but only dramatic art.

Along the wall was a bookshelf made of dark oak that was painted in a black matte color. Each furniture was of black color, but some of the objects were of metallic, silver and gold.

His toot tapped to the beat of the dramatic melody that filled the room, and closed off his thoughts.

He let the shadows of the darkness and the sound of the dramatic melody take over his soul, and swallow him up whole.

To anyone else this room might feel suffocating and thick. But to him the darkness of this room brought peace to his soul and heart.

He had become used to the darkness, and befriended it. Darkness was not just his friend, but also his comfort.

His eyes were closed, and the music filled his ears, took him to another place, where there was nothing but darkness.

A loud knock on his grey office door brought him back to reality, and he sat up in his seat. He grabbed the remote control to his stereo and turned down the volume. The tune died out, and he growled, hating to get disturbed, when he was in his zone.

The door opened and the man with the black cap entered the darkened room. He bowed when he greeted his superior.

The man with the cap took notice of how the room was dark, and the only light that came in was the light from outside, and his curtains were pulled back. Despite the little light that entered through the windows the room was still dark.

The man had his grey camera in his hand, he walked up to the table, and bowed once more. He handed the camera to his boss, whose eyes were narrowed, and his gaze was strong.

"I got some shots of Mrs. Lee for you sir, just like you asked." He announced.

"Well done, I'll have the money transferred in your account." The superior replied, a grin played on his lips.

"Thank you, Mr. Shin." The man said and bowed once more.

"You are dismissed." He said in an empty tone.

The young man left the dark office, and Sung Rok turned on for the volume and the dramatic melody finally filled the room.

He held the silver canon camera in his big hands. He leaned back into his black leather chair and checked the photos.

A small crooked smile surfaced on his face and his dark eyes showed a glimpse of satisfaction. He let out a deep chuckle and shook his head. Then he called in for his secretary.

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