53. A Different Look

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Bittersweet Notions Of Forever

Chapter 53: A Different Look And Feeling

You were back inside Soo Hyuk's old bedroom, after so long, and you had déjà vu the moment you stepped into his room. 

The bed was placed where it was, and the things in his room was the same. Even his smell lingered in the room, and you breathed deeply.

You hurried up to the bed, feeling tired and sore. Your cheeks heated up, when you laid into the bed. You remembered the feel of the bed. It was neither too hard or too soft. It felt so good to finally lay down.

Soo Hyuk walked out of the bathroom. "I'll be back in a bit." He announced, and hurried out of the door, with his car keys in hand, before you could ask him where he was headed to.

"Okay." You said to yourself, as he was already out of the room, and you stared at the closed door.

You got up from the bed, and looked around you. Your eyes fell upon the collection he had of Tyler Durden figures on his shelf.

He must really like the movie 'fight club' and you wondered why. It was cute somehow that he collected the figures. You smiled to yourself. He seemed to enjoy movies.

You felt thirsty, so you walked down to the kitchen. Soo Hyuk's parents had gone to bed, but you didn't know where Wonho was. 

The rain was pouring down harder, and you jolted of surprise, when you heard the skies roar. It was thundering.

Where in the world did Soo Hyuk go? You sighed deeply, and opened the fridge door, in search of something to drink.

There was juice, so you grabbed a bottle of tropical juice. You then opened the cabinets in search for a glass.

"What are you looking for?" A voice broke out from behind you, making you squeal of surprise, and jolt back.

Wonho was staring at you, and he chuckled at your reaction. You scrunched your face at him, and he grinned further.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you." He said.

"You know, you haven't changed at all." You exhaled, and rolled your eyes dramatically.

Wonho stepped into the kitchen whilst laughing. "What do you mean?" He asked.

He stopped beside you, and you rolled your eyes once more. "You know what I mean, you still show up out of nowhere, and freak people out.

Wonho began to laugh, he threw his head back, and laughed harder. "You still seem the same, and yet not." He said.

He narrowed his eyes as his eyes wandered down you as though he tried to find out if you had changed.

"There's something different about you.. hmm.. I can't tell what it is." He rubbed his chin as he glanced at you up, and down at you.

You stepped back, and snickered at his reaction. "My hair has become longer." You said, and he nodded.

"Yeah." He cooed, and pointed at your hair.

"It's longer, but that's not what I meant." He narrowed his eyes. "You have become more talkative." He smiled.

You furrowed your brows, and gasped. "What do you mean by that?" You asked, and narrowed your eyes at him.

He shrugged, smiling. "What were you searching for, anyways?" He asked, subtly changing the subject.

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