52. Family Gathering

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Bittersweet Notions Of Forever

Chapter 52: Family Gathering

It was the worst time of the month. The kind of week you wished never would come. Why did women have to suffer so much? Worst of all, it was your first day of shark week. You laid in bed with cramps, it felt like your ovaries were going to explode soon.

You laid in a fetus position, with your knees up to your chin, rolled together like a ball. You didn't want to get out of your comfortable bed, your nice, warm and cozy bed.

You whined, because you had to get up. You were invited to your in- laws, for dinner, because Wonho was back from America.

All of you needed a family gathering. You really wanted to go, and you had actually looked forward to Wonho's return, but why must it be today. Shark week just had to come now.

To top it all, the weather was grey and gloomy. You could hear the hard rain hit the windows. It was a soothing sound, but it also made you want to stay in bed even more.

You just wanted to lay down, watch a good drama and do nothing. You whined again, and pulled your covers down. You knew Soo Hyuk would be home soon from work, and then you had to leave together.

You slid out of your bed, and stretched your body. You had stayed in bed for too long, since you were off from work today. Luckily, it was your first day of your period, and you didn't have to go to work with cramps.

You walked up to the windows, and pulled the long soft curtains away. You uncovered the view of the gloomy skies and clear blue lake. 

You let out a small sigh, when you saw how grey it was outside. The weather had an effect on your mood, whenever it poured down. You wanted to stay in and do something cozy.

For instance, watching a movie, or maybe even cuddle- definitely cuddle with someone, that someone is Soo Hyuk. But he didn't seem so keen of cuddling, to you, but you weren't sure.

It was past four pm, when you walked out of the bathroom, after having had a steamy shower, that helped your body soothe up, and your muscles relax. You wrapped yourself in a towel, and walked back into the walk-in closet. Now came the most difficult part, you had to pick an outfit.

You wanted, and had planned to wear a dress, but since your period chose to come now, you felt lost. You could hear the rain poor down on the roof, and you let your body fall down onto the square black leather puff.

You let out a sigh as your eyes wandered down your dress in your closet. You didn't feel like getting dressed. You just wanted to put your comfortable pajama on and lay back in bed. But you knew that didn't work, and stood up.

You needed to wear something dark, that was evident, because what if you bled through your dress. The image of it happening at Soo Hyuk's parents home, in front of his family, horrified you, and you shuddered, and shook your head.

No white dress or colorful one!

Hence, you decided to wear a black dress, it was the safest option. You put it on, and went to do your hair and makeup.

You had your phone placed on your makeup table, and you were listening to music, songs that fitted the weather, and the mood perfectly. 'The Weeknd', was on your playlist, you hummed and sang along.

"Don't stop your lovin'. Walk out on me. Don't stop for nothin'. You're what I bleed. I learned to love you the way you need. Cause I know what's pain. This is not the same."

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