45. Punishment

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Bittersweet Notions Of Forever

Chapter 45: Punishment

The old man slammed his hands on his desk, causing the small metallic objects and the family picture frame to tip down.

"What were you thinking?" His deep voice growled.

Soo Hyuk took a deep breath, to calm down. He knew this would happen. He got called in his father's office the day after the photoshoot images were spread on the web.

It was still early morning, and his head was throbbing because of the many drinks he had the previous night.

He could still feel the alcohol in his system, and he regretted the many Jack Daniels shots he took.

He showered at his friend's house, and changed his outfit in his office, after having his secretary buy him a new suit.

She of course eyed him weirdly, when he came into work with the same outfit from the previous day, and he had a haggard look.

He looked a man who hadn't slept for a decade, and he surely hadn't slept well at all.

Min Ah couldn't ask him what had happened, as it was private matters, and she was in no position to ask him.

Soo Hyuk was now facing his angry boss and father. He let him scold him, as he knew he deserved it somehow.

He had not been careful enough with Joon Hee. He hadn't seen within her and depicted her actions.

"The pictures have been deleted already, father-" His voice got cut off by his father's sudden harsh words.

"I don't want you to model for a while now. This is why, I don't consider you of being capable of leading Lee Hyuk Enterprises." The old CEO said, coldly, with a stern tone and hard glare.

Soo Hyuk stiffened, when his father said the words he hated the most and didn't want to hear of. He hated when his father told him that he wasn't capable of leading the company, and family legacy.

"Are you still meeting up with that woman?" He asked with a tone full of despise and with hooded eyes.

Soo Hyuk took a deep breath to calm down, once again. But he felt his blood boil and rush through his veins. He hadn't met up with Joon Hee for quite a while.

He simply shook his head. He couldn't speak up against his father. He blamed himself for, for not being careful enough.

"You are married now, Hyuk Soo. You have to take are of Nara." He said in demanding tone. "Nara is nothing like Joon Hee. Joon Hee is not good for you." His father added, and he meant what he said.

For the first time, Soo Hyuk couldn't find himself to be mad at his father's words, and it angered him further. Knowing that his old father was right, angered him.

"Are we done?" Soo Hyuk asked nonchalantly.

His old father looked into his eyes, he clenched his jaw, and furrowed his brows, making the deep line on his forehead crease deeper.

"I have projects for you, and your work times will be changed for the meantime." His father declared, and Soo Hyuk clenched his jaw.

He was about to open his mouth and protest, but the old man spoke up quickly. "You are dismissed." He said coldly.

Soo Hyuk bowed, turned his heel around and left the big office and he entered the hall. He knew there was no way he could talk his father out of punishing him by assigning him on more projects and making his work days even longer.

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