76. Tweenty- Four

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Bittersweet Notions Of Forever

Chapter 76

Tweenty- Four

The clock strived twelve am. You were officially twenty-four. You had aged another year. But, your husband was not with you. You were alone home in the big, and empty house.

You paced back and forth in the living room for minutes until it became twelve am. You received messages from Soo Hyuk's friends.

The messages kept coming in, making your phone buzz, and you finally sat down on your couch, and began to read them.

Young Kwang: Happy birthday Nara, I wish you a great day, and I am glad you are taking care of my younger brother. He cares about you although, he is bad at showing that.

Jong Hyun: Nara!! Happy birthday! You are 24 now! I can't wait till we can celebrate you!

Sung Joon: Happy twenty-fourth birthday, Nara. Thank you for being a good friend and for listening to my troubles. I shall be there for you too as you will age another year.

Woo Bin: Happy birthday from me and Minah. We both look forward to seeing you. Minah says she loves you :D <3 <3 <3 <3 (ps. The hearts are from her too ><)

Wonho: Hey sis :D happy birthday, you are finally following me, aren't you? hehe. We are excited for later and can't wait to celebrate you. Ps. Thanks for standing up for me, even when you don't really have to. My hyung is blessed to have you. Please knock some sense into his arrogant head.

Hyeon Ju: Happy birthday boss. I hope you have a really awesome day, and that Soo Hyuk spoils you with love, and showers you with gifts ^_^ I am envious heheh. Anyhow, boss, I hope you get to spend your day off with your loved ones. See you on Monday!

Your cheeks were hurting because you couldn't control your facial muscles. All these sweet messages made your heart melt. Your phone buzzed, and you got another message. You opened it and began to read it as you smiled.

Soo Ah <3: Happy birthday my dear best friend and sister. I love you so much, which you know, of course. I am always thankful that you are my best friend. I can't wait till I can celebrate you, but for now. I hope that your husband can celebrate you with the right manners, you know what I mean ;) love you.

You burst out laughing at the latter part of Soo Ah's message. She is currently out of city with her boyfriend. She said that she won't be back until next week. That girl is crazy, but you love her.

Your phone buzzed again and you quickly opened the message.

Ha Neul: Happy birthday Nara. I wish only the best for you. You are my best friend.

All of the sweet birthday wishes made your heart feel warm, and you felt so loved. The warmness in your heart only lasted for a moment.

You let out a small yawn, feeling the tiredness get to you, and you slowly walked back to your bedroom. It seemed like Soo Hyuk wasn't coming home any time soon.

He was maybe stuck at work. Maybe he forgot that it was your birthday, or worse, he knew but he didn't care. The latter part seemed to make your chest tighten, and your heart pound deeper.

You let your body fall into the bed like light feathers. You quickly pulled on the soft cover, and slid it over your body.

As you laid in your bed, your thoughts seemed to wander off, and Soo Hyuk filled your mind. You were certain that he knew that it was your birthday, because you had mentioned it last week, but why didn't he take off work earlier to come home?

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