63. First and Foremost

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Bittersweet Notions Of Forever

Chapter 63: First and Foremost

Soo Hyuk had been gone for a week to Osaka, for a business trip. He was finally back, but the first thing he does is to go to his office and work. He was such a workaholic.

You hadn't seen him for seven days and he was still so busy that he couldn't come home to say hi. He had been so busy that he hadn't called you at all.

But he had sent a few texts, asking how you were doing and how the project was going, of course. You had spent that week without him by working and hanging out with your friends. You just needed time to pass by somehow.

You hadn't been separated for this long. It felt odd, but you knew that you missed him deep down. How could he be so cruel as to not call, nor let you know that he was back home?

Most importantly, you had somehow hoped that he would come home first, and surprise you. But what were you expecting.

Soo Hyuk isn't a romantic man, as far as you knew. You sighed deeply. He needed to be taught a lesson.

It only left you with one choice, you had to go to his office and personally meet him. You paced back and forth in your walk-in-closet, wondering about what to wear.

You tugged some of your hair and groaned aloud. You wanted to surprise him. You cussed and simply grabbed a long coat.

You slid into the coat, and inhaled shakily, when you glanced at your reflection in the mirror. Your skin was already flushing, and you breathed deeply to calm down. You nodded approving at yourself.

I can do it, you told yourself. You grabbed a bag and stuffed your outfit in it. Then you drove off to his office.

On the way to the office, you thought about how to do it, how to approach him, but decided to just go with the flow.

However, you couldn't believe yourself, and that you were doing this. This was beyond you. But you wanted to be freer, confident, and bolder. You assured yourself that you could do it, and not back out of it.

You wanted to make the move and show him how much you cared and wanted him. You wanted to really surprise him this time.

The hall that lead to his office was empty. There were no employees around. You inhaled and exhaled a couple of times, trying to soothe your uneasy heart and nerves.

Soo Hyuk's secretary wasn't in front of his office, at her desk, for once, and you were totally fine with it. You didn't feel like seeing her face.

It was now or never.

You grabbed the door handle and pulled it down. The door opened, and you entered his office. The bright sunrays lingered in the room, lighting up the place.

It was warm inside his office, but it was a nice warmth. It was nice, because you weren't freezing in this place, underneath your coat.

You tipped your face to the side, to his place, and your eyes wandered out. You instantly met his dark gaze.

Soo Hyuk sat in his black leather chair. He had his phone to his ear and he was speaking to someone. He looked like a business magnet, and a powerful man. The aura he exuded made you bite onto your bottom lip.

He looked so hot in his suit, with his sleek black hair pushed back. His suit fitted his toned body. The sound of his deep voice already sent a shudder down your spine and made your nether region clench. You had missed him.

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