57. I'm Yours

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Bittersweet Notions Of Forever

Chapter 57: I'm Yours

It was evening, and you had finished work earlier. You were alone in the Floating House. You decided to clean up in the house, and water the flowers yourself to make time pass.

It had been a while since you last did the house chores, and sometimes, it could feel calming to do it.

So, you had asked the housemaids to not come in for the day. Music filled the rooms, and hall. You hummed along, danced down the corridor whilst swiping the floor with a mop.

Anyone would have thought you were nuts, because who has that much energy left after working?

Nevertheless, you felt energized, and you wanted to burn off your fuel by cleaning up. Soo Hyuk was still at the office, and you had no idea about when he would get off.

You took the time to clean up, and you took a long shower in the bathtub. You felt energized, and calm after the warm, and long bath.

You got dressed into a casual and simple black knee-length dress. It had straps and no details, other than lace at the bottom. The bottom part was quite pretty, hence you bought the dress.

It had already become eight pm, and your husband was still not home. The energy you had, had faded by now.

You spent time by watching a movie after having had dinner. Your head bobbed back, and forth. You sat up abruptly, and you let out incoherent words.

it had become late, and dark outside. You tipped your head to the side, and glanced out the windows. The moonlight shone upon the lake.

It was such a beautiful view that you had gotten used to seeing every day. You let out a soft sigh. You just wanted to stay up for Soo Hyuk.

You wanted to be up and meet him, when he stepped inside the house. You wanted to experience that for once.

It seemed like today was yet one of those nights, where you would be going to bed first. You turned off the television, and got up from the couch. You strode back to the bedroom with slow and tired steps.

The doorbell rang, making you stop abruptly in the middle of the long corridor. You froze, your eyes widened, and your lips pursed. Who could it be at this hour?

Soo Hyuk never used the doorbell, he always typed in the password, and entered the house. It was a hassle using the doorbell, when you know the code to the house.

You took a step back, and tilted your head to the side. You strode up to the digital security camera on the wall.

You flattened your palm against the wall, and leaned closer, staring at the screen. You furrowed your brows, and narrowed your eyes whilst leaning closer to get a better view. The corner of your lip tugged upwards, and a soft chuckle came from you.

You knew right away who it was, and wondered about why he showed up this late. However, you hurried down to open the door.

The door flung open, and you gazed up. His bright eyes bore in yours, and you were met with a coy smile, and a bright chuckle.

"Sis-in-law." Your dear brother in-law piped out with his boyish-irresistible eye-smile, the moment you opened the door, and met his gaze.

"Wonho, what are you doing here this late?" You asked in a surprised tone, and quickly added. "Soo Hyuk is still at work."

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