Chapter 2

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(Jack and Kayla are about to get to know each other after the show.)

On the phone: Jack: Hey

Kayla: Hey

Jack: Where are you?

Kayla: I'm in the dressing room waiting for you with a big surprise.

Jack: I'm hoping it's good.

Kayla: It is, Hurry.

Jack hurries over to the room

Kayla: Hey hot stuff. What took you so long?

Jack: Sorry. I had to make sure no one was following me.

Kayla: It's fine. At least we are all alone.

Jack: yup no one should interrupt us.

All the guys are at the door listening to what's happening.

Kayla: That's great because I wanted to talk to you. Only to you to get to know you.

Jack: Ok well that's fine. What do you want to know?

Kayla: I just wanna know everything about you.

Jack: Well ok then. But first I have to ask, Do you have a boyfriend?

Kayla: No I'm single

Jack: Really? C'mon you have to have a guy.

Kayla: No I don't.

Jack: Well I'm hoping that one of us could be your boyfriend.

Kayla: Well that would be great. How about we all meet up sometime.

Jack: Well I do t know, but I think they would be up for that.

Kayla: Well then great. I gotta go but I'll call you later. Okay?

Jack: Yeah sure

(Opens door to reveal all the guys are jumping up and down with excitement to meet her later)

Corbyn: Oh sorry jack we were just waiting for you two to finish so we could go in.

Jack: Mhm sure you did.

Zach: It's true.

Jack: Really then? Why did you you need to go in then?

Daniel: We need to talk to you.

Jack:About what?

Jonah: It's personal.

Jack: Ok then. Well bye Kayla.

Kayla: ok bye see you guys later(wink).

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