Chapter 5

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They decided to go to a small cafe in downtown LA.

Kayla's POV
When I got to their house we were waiting for Jonah. Then he came down, and he called my pretty. When Jonah Called me pretty I was so flattered. I was wearing black leggings, a Pink brand shirt, and white converse high tops like a basic white girl.

After he complimented me, a few get between Jonah and Jack broke out

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After he complimented me, a few get between Jonah and Jack broke out. I was just standing there watching it happen.
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Kayla: lets go find a table to sit at and order.

Jack: Oh there is one.

Daniel: At least we are here.

                             Jonah's POV
After what happened at the house, I definitely needed to get away from him for a while. So we all sit down at a table. Me and Kayla sit next to each other. Jack is sitting on the other side of her and I get mad. Now I have to deal with Jack being next to a girl we all are after.

Waitress: Hey guys, My name is Samantha and I'll be your server for today. So if you guys need anything just ring the bell and either another server or myself will be here to serve you. So can I start you guys if with some drinks?

Kayla: I'll take a virgin Pina Colada.

Jack: Lemonade

Daniel: Water

Zach: Water

Corbyn: Lemonade

Jonah: Sprite

Waitress: Ok I'll bring those out for you guys

                                Kayla's POV
I'm between two guys who have just fought over me. I'm worried that I will be the one tearing up the relationship between all of them.

Waitress: ok here you guys go. Would you like some appetizers to start off with or would you like to order right away?

Corbyn: well just start ordering our food.

Waitress:Ok so our special today is a chicken Parmesan pasta.

Zach: Damn that sounds good. I'll take on if those.

Daniel: I'll take the 3 meat platter with a sides of rice.

Corbyn: I'll take the chicken salad sandwich with a sides of fries.

Jack: I'll have the high rise with a side of fries.

Kayla: I'll the cauliflower grilled cheese, Please.

Jonah: and I'll have the love of seafood platter.

Waitress: okay I'll bring those out when they are ready.

Kayla: Oh when any food is ready can you just bring it to the table?

Waitress: Ok sure.

Kayla: Jonah, I have to ask you. Why did you order the seafood platter?

Jonah: Why? You aren't allergic are you?

Kayla: Actually I am.

Jonah: oh. I'm sorry I didn't know.

Daniel: What if we just switch places? You could be next to Corbyn, if you both don't mind.

Corbyn: I don't mind.

Kayla: Ok lets see what happens now.

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