Chapter 11

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Jonah: Alright, Lets all go inside.

Kayla: Oh Jack. I think I know a girl who would be perfect for you. I have the perfect girl for all of you guys. Even Jonah.

Jonah: Who?

Kayla: Me. Duh

Jonah: of course you are.

Kayla: Ok. Corbyn I have a friend named Yannel. Hers her picture

Corbyn: Damn She Fine

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Corbyn: Damn She Fine. Her insta is @yannel_flash

Kayla: Zach, I don't have a picture but I have her Insta @amyta09. Daniel, There are 2 girls who like you.Ill tell them to you later. And Jack, This girl

 And Jack, This girl

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What do you think?

Jack: She is so cute.

Kayla: All of them are single. And so are you guys so this could work out. We should meet up later this week. How about Sunday at one place the we could go our separate ways. Any ideas where we will all meet up first.

Corbyn: How about the park? Noon

Kayla: Perfect. I'll tell them about it. Well this was fun. See you guys later.

Jonah: Lets go up to my room.

Kayla: Lemme go get Sophie outta the car. She must be so scared.

Jonah: Ok. I'll see you upstairs.

Kayla's POV
I just told the guys that I have friend s that would be perfect for them. Imma go get Sophie outta the car and bring her up to his room. When I open the door in his room I see him shirtless because he was trying to change into something else. Then, I was immediately turned on. I told him not to put anything on so I could feel and see his beautifully toned body.

Kayla: Come on let's just stay here and hang.

Jonah: Ok. Lets do it. Wanna watch a movie?

Kayla: sure. How about The Lion King?

Jonah: Sure!

Kayla: Ok. Lets just sit down and relax.
Kayla sets down Sophie on Jonah's chest and says "If this is my child, Then doesn't that make us the parents."

Jonah: I guess it does. So why did you wanna watch a movie?

Kayla: So we had an excuse to do this.
She starts to kiss Jonah and he starts to kiss back. They both starts to deepen the kiss until it turned in to a full on make out session. He then proceeded to lower his lips and suck away. He was asking for it, but I didn't want to. So I pushed him away in rejection.

Jonah: You don't wanna do this.

Kayla: Not right now. I'm too tired. I just wanna sleep now.

Jonah: Okay then.
He turns off the tv and he cuddles me. Then Sophie walks over to my arms and sleeps with us.

2 hours later

Jonah: Hey baby girl.

Kayla: Hey

Jonah: Did you sleep well?

Kayla: Yeah. I'm so happy I'm with you.

Jonah: I am too. Not one of my exes liked me for who I am. They really wanted to be my girlfriend because they know how famous I am.

Kayla: How shallow do they get?

Jonah: I don't know , but no one has ever loved me as much as you ever have and will.

Kayla:Thanks babe. What time is it?

Jonah: 4:00 pm

Kayla: Wow how long have I been here for?

Jonah: I don't know but I hope you don't leave.

Kayla: I don't wanna leave you alone either.

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