Chapter 25

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Texts between Kayla and Yannel

Kayla: Hey bestie

Yannel: Hey what's up?

Kayla: We have something we need to talk about.

Yannel: Alright. Well what is it?

Kayla: I heard that my boyfriends almost got hurt by your boyfriend.

Yannel: What really?

Kayla: Yeah.

Yannel: Imma go talk to Corbyn and talk about what happened. What do I do if he denies it?

Kayla: Who or what do you wanna trust? Your best friend, your boyfriend, or your gut?

Yannel: I don't know. I wanna here his side of the story. I'll talk to you later after I hear what happened.

Kayla: Ok.

On the phone:

Corbyn: Hey baby. What's up.

Yannel: I heard you tried to hurt my best friends boyfriend.

Corbyn: He almost ruined our career. And he said that he would rather spend time with his girlfriend then work on his career. I mean talk about someone being head over heels.

Yannel: So you would rather spend time working then having fun with someone you care the most about.

Corbyn: I mean I don't know if you mean the most to me.

Yannel: Oh hell no. You did not just say that. (PS sorry to my best friend for reading this. Ik how much you love Corbyn. Ok. This is my story. If you want something with everything you wanted write your own damn story. JK. Sorry. Love you. But seriously I'm very sorry for this.)

Corbyn: Oh no that's not what I meant.

Yannel: So then what did you mean to say?

Corbyn: Uhh??????

Yannel: You know what goodbye. Call me back when oh feel ready to be committed in a serious relationship like all of the other guys.

Corbyn: No babe. Don't hang u-. She hung up in me. This is what I get. I need to make it up to her. What do I do? I should ask Kayla what to do.

Back to the texts between Kayla and Yannel

Yannel: I am so pissed at Corbyn.

Kayla: Why what happened?

Yannel: He said that I don't mean the most to him.

Kayla: Oh. That is harsh. I know how much you loved him.

Yannel: I just can't believe he would say that to me.

Kayla: It's ok. What did you say to him.

Yannel: I said call or text me back when you ready to be in serious relationship.

Kayla: Damn girl. That was powerful. What do you think he will do?

Yannel: Idk. I just hope I don't lose him.

Kayla: I know him. He doesn't wanna lose you. None of us wanna lose our SOs.

Yannel: I guess you're right.

Kayla: I gotta go. I'll call or text you back later. Bye.

Yannel: Bye.

End of text messages between them two.

New messages between Corbyn and Kayla

Corbyn: Hey Kayla.

Kayla: What do you want Corbyn?

Corbyn: I wanna say sorry to Yannel. I don't know her that well. I need a way to say sorry so that she will take me back after my stupid behavior.

Kayla: So? Why are you asking me?

Corbyn: You are her best friend. I'm asking you because I have no one else to ask.

Kayla: I'll tell you how to win her back. After you apologize to me and Jonah.

Corbyn: What?

Kayla: You want her back don't you?

Corbyn: Of course I do. I just don't know how.

Kayla: If you do what I ask, I'll tell you what to do.

Corbyn: Fine. I'll do it.

Kayla: Where are you right now?

Corbyn: I'm at the house. I don't know where Jonah is. I don't know if he will answer to me. You have to talk to him. How are we gonna do that?

Kayla: I can't come over right now because I'm stuck in a situation. I'd rather not say what it is.

Corbyn: Ok then. How about tomorrow? At like 11 or 12.

Kayla: Alright I'll be there. Bye you idiot.

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